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It was dark at first.

    The only source of light being from a flashing red bulb hanging from a wall. Every time it would shine, the small room would be illuminated. It was for barely a millisecond, hardly enough time to make out any details of the room.

    But what you could see in that small amount of time was that the room was small. Roughly the size of a big closet. At best it could maybe fit about 20 kids. The whole thing was also made of metal, sending a rancid smell through the air.

    It was unsettlingly quiet. As if the whole place was dead, its life lost in the dark. Some might find it calming. Like it was a nice current of peace. A void of thought. A perfect place to sit and stare at nothing but see everything. To unveil the secrets of the world without disturbance.

    Then the string snapped.

    A loud gasp sounded from the floor of the room, after followed by heavy breathing and the occasional coughing.

It was a girl.

Though dark you could tell that she was at least barely 16. Her pale form was curled up in a ball in a corner of the metal room, which without warning slowly began to ascend upwards. She tightly gripped onto the leg of her pants and whipped her head around, searching for her captor.

"Help me!" The girl screamed, now rocking back and forth. Her cries were drowned out by the meal clanging of the elevator as it picked up speed.

The girl quickly stopped yelling realizing that even if there was someone there, they wouldn't be able to hear her over the noise. 

She was panicked. Confused. Terrified.

The girl racked her thoughts trying to remember how she had ended up in this situation. However she was soon appalled to realize that she could remember absolutely nothing.

She knew about basic concepts like holidays, school, friends, and work. She remembered food and family, animals, roller coasters, sports, and skyscrapers. She remembered weddings and birthday parties and yet the girl couldn't seemed to place any faces to the memories.

She couldn't think of her mothers smile or her fathers eyes. She didn't know if she had siblings or friends. Hell, the girl realized she didn't even know herself.

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