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For a long beat, there was silence. The Keepers sat, gobsmacked, as they took in Thomas's words.

    "I was there when the Creators did it."

    What the actual hell did he mean by that?

    Deep down Kalisa knew exactly what he was trying to say. Why he looked so regretful and hesitant to speak. Why he knew so much and the others so little. Why he was ready to risk it all after being here only a week.

    "What are you talking about?" Newt questioned, looking absolutely baffled.

    Thomas seemed terrified now, his face a chalky pale mask, with his hands clutched into fists at his sides. "Well first theres something I have to share. About me and Teresa. Theres a reason Gally accused me of so much stuff, and why everyone whos gone through the Changing recognizes me."

    Kalisa felt ill. Physically unable to speak, because if she did, she might actually throw up.

    "Teresa and I are... different." Thomas went on when no one inturupted. "We were part of the Maze Trials from the very beginning- but against our will, I swear it."

    Minho spoke up, looking confused and full of dread. "Thomas, what are you talking about?"

    "Teresa and I were used by the Creators. If you had your full memories back, you'd probably want to kill us." Thomas reluctantly met Kalisa's eye and looked away, almost ashamed. "But I had to tell you this myself to show you that we can be trusted now. So you'll believe me when I tell you the only way we can get out of here."

    Thomas took a deep breath before dropping the bomb. "Teresa and I helped design the Maze. We helped create the whole thing."

    There. He had said it. Kalisa's suspicion had been true. Gally had been right. Thomas and Teresa were one of them.

    And yet... something wasn't quite passable about the whole situation. Kalisa knew she should feel angry towards Thomas, for lying, creating this deathtrap, working with the people who've killed so many of her friends. But she wasn't. She couldn't be.

    Because right now Thomas didn't look evil. He didn't look strong or brave, or anything like the boy who ran out into the Maze to save two boys he hardly knew. He just looked small and afraid.

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