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Once Newt had left, Kalisa sat across from the boy. He had stopped sobbing, but tears still leaked from his carmel eyes.

For a minute all Kalisa could do was stare. How was she supposed to comfort this kid? She didn't know what to say, she didn't know how to make him feel better.

The truth would bring little comfort, and Kalisa found herself realizing why Alby had held answers from her at first. Though in the moment it had been irritating.

"Where am I?" The boy mustered, voice sounding dry.

"You're in a place called the Glade. My name's Kalisa, and I promise you that you're safe." Kalisa spoke, smiling comfortingly when the boy met her eyes.

"I don't remember anything, why can't I remember?" He began crying once again.

"Hey, it's alright. I know right now it seems scary, but I was in your exact position not too long ago, it'll get better." Kalisa murmured in an attempt to calm the boy. She wished there was something she could do to cease his cries. To preserve his youthful innocence.

    "Whats happening?" The boy cried again, hugging his knees into his chest.

    Kalisa didn't know what to say. So she told him the truth.

    "We were put here. All of us." The kid looked up briefly, interested. "Boy by boy they were sent up, once a month with no memory." Kalisa forced herself to stop there knowing the rest would be too much for the kid to bear in his current condition.

    "So," He sniffed, "I won't be able to remember anything about me? Ever again!?"

    "Er- well you'll get your name." Kalisa winced, she was awful at this. But she was better than Gally whom resorted to physically shaking the Greenie.

    The kid cried harder and then did something that took Kalisa by complete surprise. He leaned forward and collapsed into her lap, arms wrapped around her waist as his tears soaked into her shirt.

    But Kalisa didn't care about her shirt.

    She was tense for a moment, before relaxing and carefully placing her hands on his back, allowing him to cry.

    When she had first arrived to the Glade she had been overcome with emotions, one of the most prominent being hate. She had despised the Creators for what they had done to them, and she was feeling the exact same way now. She hated the fact that a child as young as him would endure the rollercoster that was the Glade.

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