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The silence was deafening. But beneath the bated breath there was true, unmistakeable fear. Kalisa was no stranger to the feeling, but she had never seen the boys around her so unsure.

After a minute Alby called, "Medjacks!" Clint and Jeff broke away from the crowd and joined the select few at the front.

"What do we do with her?" Clint asked.

"How should we know?" Alby snapped. "You two shanks are the Medjacks, figure it out."

Clint kneeled to the ground beside the girl and began checking for a pulse and heartbeat, occasionally feeling her clammy forehead as well for a fever.

"Hey, who said Clint got first shot at her?" There was a call of laughter from the boys that made Kalisa ill. "I'm next."

Alby looked at Kalisa who stepped forward to defend the girl, "If anyone here touches this girl," He started, an unhumerous grin making mark on his face. "You'll be spendin' the night out there with the Grievers. Banished no questions."

Jeff stood from the ground with Clint, "She seems okay. Regular breathing patterns, normal heartbeat. I'd say she's in a coma, but your guess is as good as mine." That did little to reassure Kalisa.

"Take her to the Homestead." Alby ordered, before looking to the other girl, "You, go with them. No one touches her you understand?"

A curt nod was all her recieved before Kalisa went off after the Medjacks. Behind her she heard the Gladers break apart, going back to their duties, grumbling about the newest arrival.

    When they reached the Med Room inside the Homestead, Clint and Jeff laid the girl out on one of the beds, resting her head on a flat pillow.

    Kalisa sat next to the bed, in an uncomfortable wooden chair, as Jeff filled a glass with water and handed it to the girl.

    "Will you pour this in her mouth? We need to get her some fluids, and if she doesn't wake up soon then she'll need food too."

    "How long does it normally take to come out of a coma?" Kalisa asked, taking the glass.

    "We don't know, nobody here's ever been in one." Clint sighed, staring at the girl curiously. "You happy to have another girl around?"

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