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The two had stayed up all night long, re-reading the note and trying to make sense of the new information. Trying to forget about the Maze and their friends whom were stuck inside.

Yet when sunrise came Kalisa couldn't help but feel a surge of hope. They could have made it, despite it never being done before. Those three were strong, and there was a first time for everything right?

    So that morning, when the Glade rumbled and the doors slid apart, Kalisa found herself running after Newt, racing to the West door, hoping to see their friends alive and well.

    Or as well as they could be.

    All thoughts about the note were forgotten as they stopped in front of the door, eyes wide with expectations. But there was nothing. Not even a Beetle Blade. Just pure walls and ivy, as always.

    Kalisa felt a soul crushing hole tear into her heart, she had been holding out faith that they would make it back, and now she knew they wouldn't. Thomas had died in vain, Alby in pain, and Minho trying to protect both.

    "Anything?" Chuck ran over to them, soon joined by the rest of the Gladers. Kalisa couldn't bear to meet his eyes and disappoint him.

    "Alright listen up, all of you." Newt called out, capturing the Glades attention. He was not the crying boy from last night, he stood tall and confidently, though anyone who looked closely would be able to hear a slight tremor to his words. "As second in command I took an oath to lead this Glade if our leader is unable to."

    He paused with a shakey breath. "Minho, Keeper of the Runners, Thomas, our Greenie, and Alby, our leader... are gone." There was a hum of sadness and shock. Three in one night.

    "From now on there are going to be some changes. Firstly"- He never got to finish. "Look!" Chuck cried out, pointing to something within the Maze.

    For a moment Kalisa thought it was a Griever, but upon squinting and taking a step closer she could make out two boys, both tall and muscular.

    Thomas and Minho.

    A wave of relief hit her, they had made it. They were alive despite all the odds being against them.

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