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Tyler was dead.

    He couldn't have been older than 17, but sometimes his wide blue eyes made him look younger. His small, scrawny form would never move again, his fearful, but reassuring attitude would become lost in a sea of memories. Tyler would never get to go home. Never get to meet his family, never get to take down Wicked, never get to access his old memories, if that was even possible.

    It made Kalisa angry more than anything else. The first several hours after the night had faded, she'd sat on Newt's bed with her knees pulled into her chest, staring deep holes into the wall before her.

    Why had Wicked done this? Why were they so cruel as to not only rip children from their families, but to also wipe their memories and send them off for death?

    Death. It had been a reoccurring thought in her mind ever since she'd first arrived here. Everybody died eventually, if you were lucky maybe you'd get to experience a satisfying life and live to be 100. But not them. They died when Wicked wished so.

    In the beginning Kalisa had known she'd be in danger here, but she'd chose to trust those around her. To work hard and hope that the others would find a way out.

    She knew better now. Death would come for all of them.

    So then let it come. She'd be ready for it.

    By now it had to be around 8 o'clock, still early, but time seamed to have stopped since Tyler died anyways.

    Most of the Gladers had started repairing the Homestead, working off of a small ration of Fry's oats. The Cook had taken the event harder than anyone else, but Kalisa couldn't blame him. Fry and Tyler had been inseparable. Best friends.

    There was a sharp knock at the door. "Kali, I know you're in there."

    It was Newt of course. He'd been devestated at the loss, just as everyone else had been, but he had also been exceedingly worried for Kalisa, which was annoying, but also sweet and comforting to know that he still cared.

    She heard him sigh from the other side of the door. She could imagine him clearly, his upper body slumped against the frame, head ducked as if he was trying to mask his exhaustion so that the other boys wouldn't fret. "I'm coming in." He called, before opening the door.

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