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At once, the meeting erupted into chaos. Thomas stood firmly, not wavering in his procclaimation, despite how risky it sounded.

Newt rose up calmly and made his way over to Kalisa. He grabbed her hand and pulled her across the room towards Thomas. When they reached the boy, Newt snatched him by the arm and led them to the door.

    "You're leaving, now." Newt said flatly as the Gladers continued arguing behind him.

    "Leaving? Why?" Thomas frowned, seeming stunned.

    "You've said enough for one meeting. We need to talk and decide what to do- without the two of you here." Newt explained, eyebrows furrowed in stress. "Wait for me by the Box, when we're done, we'll talk."

    Newt gave Kalisa's hand a squeeze before dropping it and turning back towards the Gathering Room. To her surprise, Thomas reached out and stopped him from moving. "You gotta believe me, Newt. It's the only way out of here- we can do it, I swear. We're meant to."

    Newt spoke in an angry rasp, looking venomous. "Yeah, I especially loved the bit where you volunteered to get yourself killed."

    "I'm perfectly willing to do it." Thomas said plainly, looking determined. Yet it didn't take a genius to realize the boy was racked with guilt.

    "Oh really? Mr. Noble himself aren't ya?" Newt spat, crossing his arms.

    Kalisa watched unimpressed with the boys arguing as Thomas copied his actions, not backing down. "I have plenty of my own reasons. In some ways it's my fault we're here in the first place."

    Kalisa frowned, "This isn't your fault Thomas. Even if you did help design the Maze, Wicked is the reason we're all here. You can't help what they forced you to do."

    Thomas didn't say anything for a while, seeming conflicted in his thoughts. "I just... feel like I need to save everyone. To redeem myself."

    Kalisa looked to Newt. He wasn't angry anymore, instead he seemed compassionate. They both knew Thomas was serious about making the sacrifice, and it didn't matter what they said to forgive him. He would always hold himself accountable for what he had done.

    "You know what's funny Tommy?" Newt asked, stepping back.


    "I actually believe you. You just don't have an ounce of lying in those eyes of yours. And I can't bloody believe I'm about to say this, but I'm going back in there to convince those shanks we should go through the Griever Hole, just like you said. Might as well fight the Grievers rather than sit around and letting them pick us off one by one." Newt stated, causing Thomas's eyes to light up.

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