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Getting into the Weapons Room was easy. All the Gladers were distracted in other sections of the Glade, preparing for the night by building defence, gathering supplies, and boosting each other morals.

They were failing at the last bit though. Most boys looked depressed and hopeless as they moved about the Glade, only doing what needed to be done before closing themselves off from others.

Kalisa could only hope that Alby would be back on his feet soon, with a solid explanation and urge to lead once more.

"Theres a hidden storage compartment back here." Minho said, flicking a dim light on overhead. The Weapons Room was less than impressive. Kalisa had been expecting something more... grand, though she wasn't shocked to see the dust covered floor and unorganied boxes.

Minho moved across the room to grab one of many boxes. "I put each trunks worth in its own box, eight boxes total. They're all in here."

Thomas knelt down beside one of the boxes, leaning forward in anticipation. "Which one is this?"

"Just open it and see. Each page is marked remember?"

Kalisa watched beside Teresa as Thomas pulled the box open and lifted several pages from within. They were confusing to the unknowing eye. Even now Kalisa got a migrain trying to understand the hastily drawn lines on the parchment, but they must've made sense to Minho and Thomas, because their eyes lit up in recognition.

"Section 2." Thomas muttered.

    The three watched in silence as Thomas continued shuffling through the pages. Each one was marked differently. From the way the lines curved, to the footnotes scribbled down beside them, no Map was the same, until, of course, it repeated.

    "Alright, thats enough." Kalisa spoke, stopping Thomas from pulling out more paper. "You said you guys have a theory, let's see it."

    Thomas stood upright, now holding the parchment pieces close to his chest. He eyed Kalisa warily, obviously worried he would be wrong. His dark eyes flickered to Teresa, who had stayed quiet this entire time. She crossed her arms, still begrudging towards the people who locked her up, but when she caught him staring she gave a small smile of support.

    "Okay," Thomas started. "The Runners have always compared these day to day, looking to see if there was a pattern that would somehow help figure out a way to an exit. You even said you didn't really know what you were looking for, but you kept studying them, right?"

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