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Kalisa awoke early that morning, despite her exahusion from the previous day. Today would either go very smoothly or very poorly.

    It was the Gathering day. The day that the Keepers would vote on how to handle Thomas and her revelation. She knew she didn't have much to worry about, especially since her note brought helpful information, yet she couldn't ignore the sinking suspicion that the Gladers wouldn't take too kindly to her.

    She decided to skip breakfast and head straight to the Gathering room within the Homestead, Thomas hot on her heels.

    They both walked in silence, too nervous to talk to one another. All night long Alby had been screaming. The sounds only grew louder each time the boy opened his mouth.

    Kalisa wondered what he was remembering. Could it have something to do with Wicked, or maybe the Right Arm? She longed for the boy to just wake up and answer their questions. Or even for the girl to snap out of her trance.

    When they entered the room they were greeted with the sight of all the Keepers sitting in their chairs at the front, looking down on the two of them. In the middle of the room were two wooden chairs placed directly next to each other.

    Last time she had been in this room was when she had been placed as a Slicer. It wasn't a very good memory.

    Thomas sat down first, running his eyes along all the boys cautiously. Kalisa however, only looked for Newt. When she found his gaze she relaxed, though only slightly, and joined Thomas in a seat.

    "In place of our leader sick in bed, I declare this Gathering begun." Newt said in a monotoned voice. He looked rather fed up and bored with the ordeal.

    "We'll start with our Greenbean Tommy here." Newt stated. "Now as you all may know the past few days have been bloody crazy, and quite a bit of it seems to be centered around Thomas here."

    "He's not the Greenie anymore. Now he's just a rule breaker." Gally spoke up causing Thomas's face to flush and for whispers to break out.

    Kalisa rolled her eyes in annoyance, not even a minute in and Gally was already running his mouth.

    "Gally," Newt started with an eyeroll. "Try to keep some buggin' order here. If you're gonna blabber your shuck mouth at everything I say, you can go ahead and leave, because I'm not in a very cheerful mood."

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