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"Kalisa, wake up,"

    The girl grunted and rolled over on her bed, wishing she could lay there forever.

    "I'm serious, if you skip work... the Keepers won't think very fondly of you." Kalisa allowed one of her eyes to peel open, revealing Newt crouched down to eye level. His brown eyes were staring intently at the girl, as if he were attempting to move her mentally.

    "I don't care what they think." Kalisa rolled over so her back was to the boy.

    "Look I know you didn't want to be a Slicer, and I don't blame you, but you can't avoid it forever." Newt's accented voice broke the peaceful silence of the room, cutting the sleep away from the girl.

    She sighed and sat up. "I know."

    "Are you- do you wanna get some breakfast?" Newt questioned carefully.


    I'll probably end up just throwing it up.

    "It'll be alright. Winston- er- well he means well. Don't let him frighten you." Newt hesitated before lightly patting her arm. Kalisa's eyes snapped to the boy and he pulled away under her glance.

    "I'll leave you to get ready," Newt stood and started for the door. "Thank you," Kalisa called out before he shut the door.

    Newt smiled, "Don't worry 'bout it,"

    When he was gone Kalisa went to her trunk and changed. While being a Slicer was scary she couldn't give up yet. She would go back to the blood-house. She would listen as Winston rambled on and on about the different ways to stab a Hog. She would care for the animals and wear the blood stained apron.

    But she would not kill.


    Kalisa was surprised to see the Blood-house deserted when she arrived. As she walked in the only person in sight was the boy from a couple days ago.

    Harry, or maybe Hank?

    "Welcome Greenie, congratulations on making it as a Slicer." The boy was sitting on a table polishing a machete.


"Thanks," Kalisa nodded taking in his appearance since last time she had been preoccupied. He had dark black hair and mud colored eyes, with a thin scar running from the length of his eye to his cheek. He was scrawny and tall, with two knives in his belt along with the sword in his hands.

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