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The morning dew had just barely settled on the tips of the verdant grass when the girl awoke.

The distant sound of birds chirping and trees blowing in the wind could be heard. It was a familiar sound to the girl, a peaceful one. For a minute she felt at ease.

Then she opened her eyes.

She was greeted with the sight of a wooden ceiling above her. It had several holes in it allowing her to see the orange sky stretching out above.

The girl sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

It wasn't a dream.

She sighed and brushed her fingers through her hair. The previous day had gone by in a blur. Hopefully today during her tour she would get some more answers.

The girl stood from her mattress and pulled out the black cargo pants and green shirt. While she laced up her black boots she recalled her epiphany from the night.

Her name was Kalisa.

The girl had never been so sure of anything in her life. Kalisa was right. It was currently the only thing that made sense.

The girl failed to understand how the realization had just hit her randomly. If she could remember her name without trying, who's to say she wouldn't remember anything else?

The thought put the girl in a positive mood for the first time since entering the Glade.

There was hope.

A sudden knock from outside the room blared causing the girl to jump out of her skin.

"Up and at 'em Greenie. We have work to do," She recognized the voice as Alby and remembered the tour.

Not wasting any time the girl tied her hair back, tied her necklace on, and tucked the knife Newt had let her keep in a pocket.

She then folded up the quilt and opened the door, revealing a pissed off boy.

"Bout time. Come on," He turned and began to walk down the stairs.

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