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The next time Kalisa opened her eyes was hours later. She didn't remember falling asleep outside, but it was understandable as the night had been cool and the blanket had been comfortable.

    For a minute she thought it was still dark- until she blinked and the world snapped into focus. What she had mistaken as night was actually a shadow, blocking the sun. Kalisa sat up to see Alby and Thomas standing over her. Newt still lay beside her, eyes shut as he slept on.

    He looked restful and young when he slept. Arms sprawled out over the blanket, his fingers just inches away from hers. Kalisa quickly stood, cheeks burning as she faced the two boys.

    "Good morning?" She tried, grimacing when Alby glared.

    "Care to explain whats goin' on here?" Alby spoke sharply. Thomas didn't seem very entertained with the scene, instead he was looking off in the distance, an unreadable look in his eye.

    Kalisa realized he was probably on his tour.

    "Er- we just dozed off. I swear." Kalisa defended.

    Alby grunted, not looking very convinced. "Newt!" He called, causing the blonde boy to abruptly wake, confusion and alarm very clear.

    "Whats goin' on?" Newt groaned squinting against the bright morning light. It shined against his hair practically making him glow.

    "Thats what I want to know." Alby crossed his arms sternly. "So tell me, why, when I was just giving our Greenie a tour, do I happen across you two shanks sleeping together?!"

    "We- we weren't sleeping together!" Newt flushed.

    "Are your beds not good enough for you? Because I know dozens of boys who wouldn't mind swapping places since you both love the outdoors so much." Alby scolded angrily. "And you," He looked to the blushing girl. "I thought I said no more bunking with boys,"

    "I didn't mean to fall asleep," Kalisa grumbled.

    "It won't happen again Alby." Newt said plainly. Kalisa ignored the disappointment within. Last night had been fun, and she wouldn't have minded a repeat however blunt it sounded.

    "No it won't. Now go away, I still have to deal with this slinthead." Alby flared his nostrils, glancing back at Thomas who waved to Kalisa and Newt unconcerned.

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