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The girl stared at Newt in disorientation. She had heard the words he said yet it hadn't processed in her brain. Her mind was a storm of questions and queasiness, still stuck on the fact none of the boys seemed bothered that they were surrounded by the tallest walls the girl could ever remember seeing.

    Although to be fair the girl couldn't remember much anyways.

    "You alright there Greenie?" Newt asked noticing the way the girl stood unevenly.

    The girl opened her mouth to speak but paused when no sound came out. She licked her lips and tried again. "What is this," It wasn't a question, more of an astonished or repelled statement.

    "This is the Glade." A new voice said. It was the voice that had been defending her from the rude comments.

    The girl turned to see a boy slightly older than the others stepping forward. He had dark skin that had aged from the time spent in the horrifying place they called home. His deep brown eyes were wise, yet stern. He was mean, from the way he eyed her like she was an inconvenience to the fact his full lips never once bothered to turn upwards. He wore dirty clothes and even dirtier shoes. The girl could tell he had been here a while.

    The girl began to grow frustrated. She had no idea where she was and these people were absolutely no help to her predicament.

    "Yeah you keep saying that but what is it?" The girl snapped returning the boys scowl.

    "All of it will be explained to you later, for now just stay out of the way and try not to Klunk yourself." The boy ordered before turning to the others. "Get back to work shanks!"

    The girl took a shaky breath before stepping forward again, "No, tell me now," She tired of being clueless. She just wanted some simple answers.

    The boys stared at her with looks of pity, annoyance, and judgment. The guy of authority seethed silently at her before saying, "No."

    "Then I'm leaving," The girl took only a step towards one of the giant openings on one of the walls before shouts of denial rang through the field.

    "You can't leave," Newt stepped in front of her.

    "Why not?" The girl stepped away from the boys feeling her mistrust rise once more.

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