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Something was wrong. Kalisa was standing in a stone corridor alone, and though she hadn't ever been here before, she knew exactly where she was.

    The Maze.

    I shouldn't be here.

    Yet she was. Ivy covered the giant walls around her, up ahead was a fork in the path, there were two options, right or left. Kalisa looked behind her and saw more stone.

    She needed to get out of here. She needed to get back to the Glade.

    Kalisa went right, hoping she would get lucky and magically find her way back. The girl broke into a run, noticing for the first time that the sky was a dark midnight blue.

    Kalisa knew the doors shut at night, but she didn't stop. She could bear to even imagine what would happen if she encountered a Griever.

    I shouldn't be here.

    The girl pushed herself to run faster. Though completely still the Maze felt alive. Like its walls held a pulse, like the ground had a heartbeat.

    Then she heard it.

    A high pitched wail. It sounded like the squeak of metal mixed with a cry of torture. Kalisa paused and listened.

    It was deadly quiet now, save for her heavy breathing, and Kalisa was beginning to think that she just imagined it.

    Then a monstrous roar sounded from behind. Kalisa whirled around to see a Griever towering over her, mouth agape as if it were preparing to take a large bite out of her.

    Kalisa screamed and started running, but she knew she wasn't fast enough. She knew that eventually the Griever would catch her and she would die.

    The monster clicked angrily and began chasing after her, its mechanical parts buzzing with anticipation.

    It had small sharp teeth and a round slimy body, with metallic spider legs and a scorpions tail. From its torso came even more metallic tools such as knives, swords, axes, and even chain saws.

    Kalisa ran harder than she ever had before, only motivated by the thought of living to see tomorrow. There was a clearing up ahead, along with a sharp right turn. Kalisa pushed herself even harder than before, knowing that it was useless.

    She would die here.

    I shouldn't be here.

    Kalisa took the turn and was immediately stopped by a new Griever standing right in front of her.

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