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Once Kalisa dropped Thomas off at the Med Room, she instantly set off for fresh air. Clint and Jeff had lept up in alarm at the sight of them, and quickly whisked Thomas off for a check up. Jeff tried to get her to stay as well, but Kalisa felt as if she were going to burst.

She didn't want to be around anyone right now. So though her head ached, and breathing hurt, Kalisa ditched the Homestead, setting off for no particular place.

    While she walked she only thought of one thing.

    Ben was dead. He was dead and there was no changing that.

    Kalisa wished she had got to know him better. She wished she could have at least properly introduced herself. She wished they could have become friends, she wished he could have escaped this place, she wished the walls would crumble in on themselves, she wished the Creators would set them free, she wished this could be over. But most of all she wished Ben could have been given a happier ending. Not one to benefit the Creators and their secret ploy, but his own.

    Kalisa hadn't even realized she was in front of the Maze until she felt a moisture on her cheeks. She quickly wiped the tears away and blinked, noticing she stood in front of the wall of names. Last time she had properly examined this wall was when she had carved her name months ago.

    She noticed her messy carving immediately, still placed between Henry and Newt's. She recognized a lot more of the names now, pointing out Minho's, Frypan's, Winston's, Chuck's, Thomas's, Tyler's, and most importantly, Bens.

Kalisa ran her soft fingers over the name, feeling a pit in her stomach.

There were so many more names on the wall. Names Kalisa didn't know. Name's that belonged to people in this place. Boys who had gone through what she had, boys who were fighting and hoping for a way out, boys who could have tragic ends waiting for them. Like Ben, because who's to say he's the last to get stung and go batshit crazy? Anyone could be next.

A branch snapped from behind her causing her to whirl around in fear.

"Woah, it's alright." Newt said calmly, noticing her terror. "It's just me."

Kalisa had wanted to be alone originally, but this was Newt. Newt wasn't like the others. He could stay.

"Alby told me what happened." He murmured, coming closer and inspecting her face. "Are you okay Kali?"

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