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After remembering his name, Chuck seemed much happier. It was understandable, it gave him something to hope for; an escape. Kalisa felt responsible for the kid, especially after he had confided to her about his parents.

She was gonna get him out of here.

But for the time being, he was assigned as a Slopper, much to his displeasure. Kalisa hated to admit it but Chuck wasn't nessesarily skilled when it came to work.

He accidently hammered a nail into Gally's finger on his building day. He burnt Frypan's bread to a crisp on his cooking day. And when he stepped foot into the Blood house, one look around was all he needed before he bent over, and barfed on Henry's feet.

Being a Slopper meant Chuck was given all the dirty work no one else wanted to do like dishes, and Klunk duty. Kalisa helped the kid out whenever she could, but she could tell the work was discouraging for him.

It was especially bad since the other Gladers took it upon themselves to make his work as difficult as possible. Being bigger and older they found pleasure in picking on Chuck, which was what they were doing now.

"Give it back!" Chuck stamped his foot angrily as a few Builders tossed his Slop bucket back and forth, out of his small reach.

"Mmm, I don't think so," A blonde boy laughed, dangling the bucket before his face, then moving it just as the kid reached out to grab it.

"Come on Chunky, you can do better than that!" They snickered as Chuck tried and failed to retrieve his bucket.

"Hey!" Kalisa shouted from afar, noticing the ruckus. This wasn't the first time she had caught Gladers picking on Chuck.

The girl stomped across the Glade, coming from the Blood house where they had just been dismissed from work.

"Uh oh, here comes your bodygaurd! Can't do anything without her huh?"

Kalisa stopped next to Chuck who was out of breath from attempting to get his bucket. "Give it back." She ordered.

"Oh sure! We were just messing around you know," The boys sneered handing Chuck his bucket dramatically. They turned to walk away before one of them paused and kicked over Chucks giant pile of wood he had spent the better part of the day collecting.

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