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Minho fell through the air for a few moments before disappearing through the invisible hole.

The remaining Gladers stood at the ledge, too afraid to follow in his footsteps. Kalisa glanced around and saw Newt slowly backing away, an unidentifiable sort of fear within his eyes.

"Whats wrong?" She muttered for only him to hear.

He just shook his head, unable to form words. His mouth was gaped open, his eyes wide with terror, and when Kalisa took his hand, it was clammy.

    Is he afraid of heights?

    It could be possible, but Kalisa had a feeling there was more to it. But now wasn't the time to analyze Newt's fears, there would be time for that later, once they've escaped and found their answers.

    "We'll go together." Kalisa said firmly, leaving no room for argument.

    Newt licked his lips, moving his gaze from the Cliff to her. The Gladers around them were getting restless, clearly awaiting orders. "We won't fit through the Hole."

    Kalisa gave him an encouraging smile, her own heart beating wildly as she took a step closer to the drop. "We'll make it work."

    Newt didn't try very hard to deny her order. He just gave her hand a grateful squeeze and followed her lead to the edge.

    "Alright listen up." Kalisa called, gaining the attention of the boys. "Me and Newt are gonna jump first, then the rest of you follow. Winston, do you think you can take Henry with you?"

    It would be difficult, but she saw no other options. And she wouldn't even dream of leaving the boy behind. Winston gave a curt nod, "Yeah, I've got him."

    Henry winced but somehow managed to smile. "Thanks man,"

    "I owe it to you." Winston's eyes flickered to Henrys old stab wound.

    "Everyone else, come in behind us, one by one. We don't know whats waiting for us down there, but I can tell you with full confidence that we can handle it. You all are the strongest people I know- I mean, look at what we've accomplished!" Kalisa paused, glancing around at the fallen Grievers.

    "You've all fought hard to be here, and now after all this time, we'll finally get out. It's just a leap of faith... thats all it is." Kalisa glanced down at the rocky bottom waiting for them.

    She glanced at Newt who was already looking at her. "You ready?"

    He squeezed her hand. "No." The boy took a breath and shut his eyes. "Let's go."

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