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Thomas was unconscious for three days. And in those three days the Glade elapsed into state of bleakness.

    All hope had been lost at this point. Kalisa even caught herself drifting off into her own fears, too tired to even dream of an escape.

    Thomas's screams were worse than both Ben and Alby's. She didn't know what he was seeing, in fact, she wasn't sure if she wanted to know. She just hoped he would wake soon.

    Like all the previous nights, the Grievers came. And like Gally had foretold, each night, one Glader was taken.

    On the first night it had been a short 16 year old boy named Sam. He had tan skin with a few prepubescent blemishes, and a mop of dark long hair that he tied back into a ponytail. Sam was a Bricknick, though Kalisa hadn't actually ever met him, let alone seen him.

    When the Griever came for him, a couple of his friends ran after him, going as far as to run several yards out into the Maze before being forced to turn back. It pained her to watch as the boys returned with their heads hung low as Sam's screams echoed off the Walls behind them, almost mocking their loss.

    The next night it was Zart, Keeper of the Track Hoes. Kalisa knew him better than the others, but she still didn't feel like it was enough. Zart was only 17, he was still a kid. They all were. Newt had taken the loss pretty hard. He worked closely with the Track Hoes, and was good friends with Zart.

    Zart's death brought forth a bleak realization for most: nobody was safe. Not even a Keeper.

    On the most recent night, a young 14 year old boy named Eddie was snatched. He had sacrificed himself for his friend, not even a slight hesitation in his frail body as he threw himself in front of a taller dark skinned boy.

    The brave and selfless act was admirable to all, and as Kalisa watched the Builders scratch out the boy's names from the wall, she decided right then and there that she would always strive to be as brave as Sam, Zart, and Eddie.

It was around mid-morning now, just a couple hours after Eddie had disappeared out into the Maze, enclosed in the Grievers grasp. Most of the Gladers were running around, making quick repairs as usual, only stopping when they absolutely had to.

Kalisa was taking a quick break from hammering wood together. She'd been going at it all morning, and by now she had sweat dripping down her back, even without the help from the sun.

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