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When the sun rose again, Kalisa woke with a start. She had been dreaming, and it had been important. But for the life of her she couldn't remember.

It was frustrating, especially since the dream had caused the girl to break into a sweat. Whatever it had been wasn't just a dream, it was a memory. She knew it had to be.

Or she hoped.

Deciding to temporarily forget about the poor sleep, the girl stood from her mattress and changed into fresh clothes.

Today she would be working with the Cooks, something that Kalisa was honestly looking forward to. Tyler and Frypan both were decently alright in compare to the rest of the Glade, so Kalisa didn't have much of a problem working with them.

She had to awake when the run rose, earlier than she had yesterday so she could observe them make breakfast.

The girl got dressed and wandered down the stairs where she found the kitchen deserted.

    Not exactly knowing what to do Kalisa leaned against the wooden counter top and waited for the others to arrive, absentmindedly playing with the cylinder necklace around her neck.

    After a beat of silence the kitchen door flew open and a cluster of boys sauntered in, talking quietly amongst themselves.

    They all wore sneakers and brown leather straps over their shoulders that connected to a sleek looking pack. There were about 7 of them, and they all paused when they caught sight of the girl.

    "Well if it isn't our new Greenie," Minho stepped forward from the group with a smug look. "Wake up extra early just for me?"

    Kalisa felt like she should've been embarrassed, especially when the other boys started snickering and whispering, but the girl simply couldn't find it in herself.

    "You wish," Kalisa scoffed stepping away from the counter. "What are you guys doing anyways?"

    Minho raised his eyebrows at the question, "We're Runners,"

    "This is the kitchen." Kalisa pointed out, sensing she was beginning to frustrate the boy.

    "Oh really?" Minho snapped sarcastically. "Do me a favor and get our lunch sacks would ya,"

    Before the girl could mention that she had no clue where their lunches were, Frypan burst into the room. "Why are you slintheads crowding my kitchen?"

    "We want our lunches," One of the Runners called out.

    Frypan rolled his eyes, "Course you do-" The boy trailed off as he opened a large refrigerator in the back and pulled out 7 small packs.

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