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When Kalisa awoke she was surprised to find herself back in her room, wrapped in a thick blanket on the floor. The kid still slept soundly in her bed, mouth hanging slightly open as his breaths released with a small snore.

Had Newt carried her up here?

Kalisa didn't remember moving from their spot by the trees last night so he must have. The thought made her embarrassed. He probably struggled to get her up the stairs and into the room. She had probably been a burden.

Kalisa burried her face in her hands and sighed, pushing the event to the back of her mind.

Any moment now Alby would be looking for the kid to do his tour. Kalisa hoped the boy would take it well, she understood his tears, but it was likely that Alby wouldn't.

"Hey, kid wake up." Kalisa shook his shoulder, keeping her voice down as it was pretty early, and the rest of the Glade wouldn't be up until a while later.

He stirred contently, before going shock still and launching out of the bed, eyes wide with panic.

"No, no no no!" He groaned looking around him. Kalisa just watched as he ran his fingers through his hair and slumped down on the mattress, accepting that he was in fact still in the Glade, and that it had not been a dream.

"Listen, Alby's gonna come find you any minute now for your tour. Do you think you can handle it?" She questioned softly.

He didn't have much of a choice, but it would make him feel better if he thought he did.

The kid was silent for a moment before asking, "What's the tour?"

"Its when your shown the entirerty of the Glade. You learn about the jobs, you can ask all your questions. And Alby is sort of our leader around here. He strict but he does his job well." Kalisa explained. She had intense Deja Vu of her tour.

She hadn't had anyone to stick by her side and comfort her, but she had been hopeful. Because she had remembered her name.

"Do you- remember anything?" Kalisa asked carefully, not wanting to upset him.

He paused as if thinking hard, then shook his head. "I thought you said I would get my name. Why can't I remember it?"

Kalisa didn't really know, but he didn't want to hear that. "Well it takes longer for some people, you'll get it eventually."

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