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Kalisa dreaded the day ahead of her. Being a Slicer sounded like the worst way to spend her day, but she didn't have much of a choice.

    So after the Maze doors had opened and the sun had risen, Kalisa set off to the Blood-house, only after inhaling a ration of Frypans oatmeal.

    The morning was serene, aside from the distant hammering of metal against wood from the builders. The grass was slightly damp from the morning mist, and the sky shone brightly above, no cloud in sight.

When she reached the wooden shack that ambiance instantly disappeared. The scent of iron and blood overcame her senses nearly causing the girl to yack on the ground.

"You must be Kalisa," A boy stated from behind her. Kalisa turned and saw the same olive skinned boy from the previous night standing before her with several sharp knifes in his hands.

"Winston?" Kalisa questioned.

"Keeper of the Slicers," Winston nodded in confirmation. He gave her a grin and said, "Welcome to the Blood-house, hopefully the blood won't bother you."

Kalisa fought off a negative comment and instead focused on following the boy into the shack. Upon entering she could see racks of knifes, swords, and axes. Up above was a pulley system connecting into a larger blade hanging from the ceiling by a rope. It seemed as if it was ready to come crashing down at any minute.

"That ones for the heads," Winston explained setting the weapons down.

"Cozy," Kalisa muttered trying not to think about animal heads.

Wooden tables were pressed against the sides of the big room with some other tools neatly set on them such as hammers, nails, and screwdrivers.

"Where are the animals?" Kalisa asked dreading the moment one would die.

"We keep 'em in the pens out back." Winston said before facing her, "So this is where we Slicers spend most of our time. We slaughter the bigger animals such as Sheep, Hogs, 'n Cows over there," He pointed to the beheader.

"But the smaller animals such as Turkeys, Chickens, and Pigs are taken care of at the tables." Winston lead her over to one of the wooden tables. "For them we mostly use knifes,"

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