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Kalisa poked at her eggs solemly. All night she had tossed and turned, mind refusing to think of anything other than Winston and Henry.

    She couldn't believe Winston would do something like that. She couldn't believe nobody had bothered to tell her. She couldn't believe after all that had occured, Nick, the leader at the time, had still placed Henry as a Slicer.

    Between this new information, the girls arrival, and Ben's death, Kalisa could barely keep her eyes open. It wasn't until a soft hand grasped her shoulder that she glanced up from the table.


    Newt frowned, "I just asked if you would mind showing Thomas around the Blood house today. It's his day to try out being a Slicer."

    Across from the two Thomas was chewing his food silently, shifting his gaze from Kalisa to Newt.

    "Oh- sure." Kalisa forced a grin, "I hope you have a strong stomach Newbie,"

    "Me too," Thomas muttered.

    "Are you alright? Does your head still hurt or somethin'?" Newt murmuered so only she would hear.

    "I'm okay, just- tired I guess." Kalisa reassured him quietly.

    "Good." Newt paused. "I'm sorry about running off yesterday, I- I wanted to stay."

    Kalisa blushed, "I"- She was cut off by Winston shouting across the Glade, "Kalisa- get your shuck butt over here!"

    At his voice she flinched, Newt sent her a worried glance and she played it off as rolling her eyes. The last thing she needed was to bring about old problems to the Keepers. She would watch Winston, and if there was ever a situation where he felt threatening, then she would act. But for now she would wait.

    "That's our cue, you ready Thomas?" Kalisa grabbed her still full tray, tossed it, and stood.

    "As I'll ever be." He sighed and stood up, starting off for the Blood house.

    "Kalisa," Newt called before she could turn away. "Find me after work. I need to talk to you."

    "Yeah- I will." Kalisa nodded, swallowing nervously. What could he possibly want to talk about?

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