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The Grievers started rolling towards them before anybody knew what was happening. They came from all directions. There was nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. There was no going back now.

    Thomas got the groups attention, a panicked look taking over his features. "Somehow I have to get through that!"

    Minho and Newt stared at each other in silence for a moment, ignoring the Grievers all together. The anticipation of fighting was killing Kalisa. They didn't have the luxury of time anymore.

    Teresa seemed to be thinking along the same lines. "They're coming! We have to do something!"

    Newt finally spoke, his voice coming out at barely a whisper. "You lead. Make a bloody path for Tommy and Teresa. Do it."

    Minho's face hardened, and the grip on his spear tightened. He gave a sharp nod and turned to address the rest of the Gladers. "We head straight for the Cliff! Fight through the middle, push the shuckin' things towards the walls! What matters most is getting Thomas and Teresa to the Griever Hole!"

    Kalisa changed her grip on her wooden staff, knowing it wouldn't do much damage to the monsters, which only mere yards away from them now. Newt stood next to her, holding a machete of his own, his eyes were trained on the rolling Grievers, but he spoke to her. "Promise you'll be careful, Kali."

    Kalisa picked out one of the Grievers from the pack. It was rather fat for some reason, with a large pincer begging to be destroyed. It was coming straight towards her.


    She was going to make Wicked regret the Maze Trials.

    "Kalisa?" Newt pressed, finally glancing over to her. Kalisa blinked, realizing she never answered his question. "Yeah. I'll be careful. You too, okay?"

    He gave a grim nod, leaning into a ready stance as the Grievers neared them. "Ready!" Minho yelled, raising his barb wired club into the air.

    Suddenly, Kalisa felt aware of everything going on around her. It was as if time had slowed down upon them. From behind her she noticed Winston and Henry, side by side preparing to dash into the battle. Fry was holding a kitchen knife in front of them, flanked by several other Gladers. Behind them, Chuck was in between Thomas and Teresa.

That was good, he would be safer with them.

Kalisa's Griever was almost to her now, just a couple of feet. She could be dead within the next several minutes. Ever since she had first arrived here, Kalisa had one goal. Survive.

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