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Thomas looked sick. Kalisa couldn't imagine why on earth Alby would want to speak with the newbie, yet the order was clear, and she could tell by Chucks trembling body that it wasn't a joke.

"Well come on," Newt snapped out of it first. "Theres no way I'm not goin' with you."

Kalisa didn't even think before following after the two boys, Chuck right on her tail. They exited the Gathering room and started up the stairs, headed towards the Med room.

Before they reached it however, Newt stopped in his tracks and faced her. "I think you should wait here." His tone was kind but firm. He looked to Chuck, "You too."

Kalisa frowned, "But,"-

"I'm serious Kali." Newt cut her off. "We'll be out soon and then tell you everythin' you need to know. But for now save yourself from the sight of him."

Kalisa wanted to continue pushing, but she couldn't deny that she was a little freaked out by the whole Changing thing. "Fine. But you guys have to tell me what he says."

"We will, I promise." Newt shot her a small smile then disappeared into the room with Thomas.

Chuck and Kalisa sat peacefully for a minute, straining their ears to pick up snippets of the conversation happening mere feet away.

Chuck was the first to speak. "Something's not right with him."

Kalisa looked at him curiously. "What do you mean? What did you see?"

Chuck swallowed, "Well- he isn't as bad as Ben was, but he's mad. I don't know why, but he started yelling at me to get Thomas."

"He's scary."

Kalisa sent him a sympathetic smile and patted his back, "I'm sure he'll be fine kid. Everyone's a little crazy after the Changing, we should just be grateful he survived."

"I guess. But he kept saying the same thing over and over. It was kinda hard to hear, but I think it was Flare." Chuck said, slowly backing away from the Med door.

"He's probably just confused. We'll figure it out." Kalisa comforted the boy, though the word rang a bell in her mind, oddly enough. It was like she had heard it before, but couldn't put her finger on when, where, or why. "Why don't you head down to the kitchens, I'm sure Tyler and Frypan wouldn't mind some extra help."

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