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If Kalisa had felt dejected before, that was nothing to what she was experiencing now. A giant maze filled with monsters and walls that moved stood between her and the outside world.

    Alby had told the girl to go find Newt, but she couldn't bring herself to make conversation. All she wanted to do was think. And so she did.

    Kalisa had long left Alby, and now she sat with her legs crossed under a tree. The shade did nothing to cool the girls accelerating anxiety, but it was nice being able to feel the breeze. Hear the distant sounds of work and talk.

    I'm trapped here.

    Kalisa stared off at the walls in consideration. She had been holding out hope that she would be able to leave today. Hope was a stupid thing anyways.

    These boys had been here for 3 years and still hadn't solved the maze. So then they were either stupid, or it was impossible.

    But if it were impossible why would somebody go through the trouble of making it. It would have taken a fortune, and tons of manual labor. Who in the world had the desire to watch a bunch of teenagers struggle? If only she could remember.

    "I thought I'd find you over here," A voice caused the girl to glance up from the ground. Newt stood a few paces away holding a plate of food.

    "Thought you might be hungry, Frypan said he never saw you for breakfast." Newt said plopping onto the ground next to her and sliding her the tray of food.

    It seemed to be a sandwich and vegetables. Kalisa was hungry, but her mind refused to eat until it had more answers. If there were anymore. For all she knew the girl could already know everything there was to know.

    "I know that look," Newt said studying the girls face. "I've seen everybody here with it at some point."

    The girl shrugged not exactly knowing where Newt was going with this.

    "I know all seems lost, but its not. We have Runners out there as we speak exploring the Maze. And even if it takes years, none of them will stop until they find something. So until then just- work. Do your part. Stay busy. It helps." Newt sounded like he was speaking from experience.

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