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For the first time since the girl had woken up she was alone. She was truthfully relieved, and yet the silence was slightly off putting.

    Newt had left to go to the Gathering about half an hour ago. He was cautious around the girl, nervous even. Like she was a ticking bomb set to go off at any time. The girl found it frustrating. Nobody was telling her anything, she was just expected to learn as the days passed.

    Now the girl sat on the edge of her mattress anxiously bouncing her leg as she thought. Her mind was spinning like a carousel, pining from one notion to the next.

    What did the mark on her arm mean? Who put it there? Who's blood was it? Why were they all here? What were they saying about her in the gathering?

    The girl felt nauseous. She quickly stood and made her way over to the window. A light breeze blew through, brushing her dark hair back. Outside the sky was beginning to turn pink. It was evening now, the girl felt as though she had already been here for an eternity.

    The boys had stopped working for the day and gone into the homestead. The girl could hear their laughter and conversations from below. The smell of garlic and herbs filled the air. The girls stomach gave a sudden growl and she realized she was aching for food.

    The girl couldn't stand to be inside anymore. She turned away from the window and made her way for the closed door.

    Not knowing where to go, the girl made her way down the stairs. She stayed quiet hoping nobody would notice her.

    Her wishes were quickly demolished however when a boy with long brown hair and a porky build brought his cold brown eyes to where she lurked.

    "Well if it isn't the new Greenie!" He smirked a menacing smile, sending uncomfortable chills down the girls back. "I'm Rod, you should come sit with me." It wasn't really an offer, more of an order.

    The girl stared at him blankly for a moment. Rod held her gaze but began to grow squeamish. "What's wrong baby? This is pretty overwhelming huh? Don't worry, I can help you.. relax." Rod slyly wrapped an arm around her form, starting to lead her to his table.

    The girl didn't think before stamping down on his foot and elbowing him in the gut. "Don't talk to me." She pushed past the boy and made her way to a bar like table against the far wall. Behind the table was a kitchen filled with an oven, dishwasher, fridge, and other necessary products.

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