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They were coming. The Grievers were coming. It was only a matter of time before they arrived with their haunting mechanical whirl, and beady black eyes. The doors were the only thing that kept them safe, and now they were gone. The Glade wasn't safe anymore.

"I want her locked up." Alby barked, turning to two boys Kalisa didn't recognize. "Now. Billy! Jackson! Put her in the Slammer, and ignore every word that comes out of her shuck mouth."

Thomas stepped forward in protest. "What are you talking about? Alby you can't-," Alby sent the boy a glare so harsh it practically penetrated his body. "But how could you possibly blame her for the walls not closing?"

As much as Kalisa felt it was unfair, she couldn't help but hold a slight mistrut to the girl, especially after her confession. You could never be too careful, and until she had a solid reason to believe otherwise, Kalisa regaurded the girl with caution.

Newt moved forward to hold Alby back from getting in Thomas's face. "How could we not, Tommy? She admitted it herself."

Thomas and the girl looked at each other, sadness radiating off their bodies.

Well they bonded fast.

"Just be glad you ain't goin' with her Thomas." Alby spat before turning away and stalking back towards the Glade, most of the boys following after him.

Kalisa could only watch as Billy and Jackson came forward and grabbed the girl by the arms, pulling her in the direction of the Slammer.

Before they were out of earshot Kalisa called, "Don't let anyone touch her. Swear on your lives you won't." The boys hesitated, looking intimidated before nodding.

And then they were gone, taking the girl with them.

It was just Kalisa, Newt, and Thomas now. The latter looking off at where the girl once was longingly. But Kalisa had bigger problems to worry about.

"We need to prepare for the Grievers. Where do you want me?" She asked, turning to Newt.

They could survive this. She knew they could. With the right supplies, and weapons they could at least make it through the night, then the Runners could investigate the Griever Hole further and get them out.

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