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When her eyes eventually peeled open, she was momentarily blinded by light.

Kalisa let out a low groan, her mind reeling with uncertainty as she tried to take in her surroundings. She was laying down on a med bed it seemed. The room around her was all white, and only furnished with her uncomfortable bed and a few beeping machines. She was alone.

Kalisa tried to sit up only to find that she was held back by a strap wrapped around her legs, chest, and arms. Her breathing became labored as she thrashed and moved, hating to imagine how vulnerable she was. However the straps held strong, and the only thing the girl succeeded in was rediscovering her old injuries.

Her chest was burning, her nose throbbed from when it had cracked. She had cuts and bruises all over her body and her muscles felt as though they weighed a ton. But the worst part about her condition was the buzzing in her nerves from the electroshocks. They had stopped now- but the sensation was something Kalisa would never forget.

It had been a pain like no other, and the girl swore on everything in her, that if she ever escaped she would never complain about any other inconvenience again.

Kalisa fought against the restraints again, once more having no luck. She grunted in frustration- tired, but not unfamiliar with being clueless.

Where was she now? Who were these people? What did they want from her? What happened to her friends?

What happened to Newt?

His face flashed through her mind like a sudden wave of calmness. Had they managed to escape in time? Or had their plan failed?

Kalisa lay defeated on the bed, unsure of where to go from here. She was tired of fighting. Tired of running. She had lost her friends, her home, herself. What now?

As if the universe was listening, the door to her sad room slid open abruptly, revealing a man and two soldiers.

The man had elvish features, with a pointy nose and beady eyes, almost resembling a rodent. He wore a grey turtleneck and black slacks, with the familiar logo, WCKD, embedded into them.

This is bad.

The two guards seemed much more intimidating. They wore bullet proof vests and black masks, and Kalisa couldn't help but wonder, if she had torn the cover away, what would look back at her? A man? A mother? Someone closer to her age?

"Kalisa." The Ratman spoke, voice filling the small room for the first time. "It's good to finally meet you."

Kalisa stayed silent, eyeing the soldiers guns warily.

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