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Another morning came as quick as the last. Life in the Glade had finally settled back to normal, there were no more Griever attacks, no more Banishments, no more fights. It was finally at peace. For now.

But when Kalisa finally sat up from her bed, something instantly felt off. It was a weird, unexplainable feeling, that bubbled in her chest and slithered through her insides, chilling her.

It wasn't until she exited the Homestead that she understood what exactly, the feeling was.

First Kalisa saw the Gladers crowding together by the shelter, looking up worriedly. Next she took notice to the bleek atmosphere that surronded them. It was like there was a shadow being casted down over them, not fully casting them into darkness, more turning the once lively place dead.

Then she looked up.

What once was a pale blue sky was now grey. It shouldn't have been possible, yet there it was, a giant slab of concrete stretching over their heads, over the Gardens, over the Maze, and whatever lay past it. The sky had been replaced with a ceiling.

Suddenly Kalisa felt claustrophobic, like all the air in their once bright and open home had been sucked out. 

She kept her eyes trained upwards and slowly started moving towards the cluster of boys, wondering what the hell was going on.

When she arrived she saw Chuck and Thomas staring up with everyone else. A simple nod in greeting was all she gave, too shell shocked with the fact they had been lied to all this time. The sky had never really been there. All the clouds she had seen, the sun, the stars, the sunrises and sunsets- all of it was fake.

"Any idea when this happened?" Kalisa questioned, tearing her gaze from the ceiling and looking at the two boys.

"Nope." Thomas stated, looking calmer in comparison to the others. "Maybe somethings broken. Maybe it'll be back."

Chuck and Kalisa gave the newbie a weird look. "Broken, what do you mean broken?" Kalisa frowned.

But Thomas didn't answer. Instead he kept his eyes trained up, clearly thinking about something important. "Thomas, what do you mean?" Chuck tapped the boys arm.

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