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Pip was cold.

The icy breeze was more rigid than usual that evening, making the Brit wish he had a coat to keep himself warm. It was certainly needed in the cold weather. His blazer wasn't too good at keeping the heat in on any normal occasion, but the bitter wind was making it difficult for him to concentrate on anything other than how cold he was.

The Brit rubbed his arms as he walked along the pavement, taking in the various sights and sounds of South Park's busy high street. Jimbo and Ned were outside their gun shop, plastering sale posters to the windows. The strong wind had caught the poster Ned was struggling to stick to the door and had caused him to trip over, barrelling him into Jimbo. The two then fell into the muddy puddle at the side of the road, Jimbo cursing the poster.

'Just your average day in South Park,' Pip thought to himself as he passed them, exchanging a sympathetic look with Ned.

Pip continued on his way down the stretch of the street, looking around for a café. He'd managed to save the last of his money from the thieves at school and decided that he was going to buy a hot drink. This would help him warm up a little before facing the bitter cold the rest of the evening. Soon enough, Pip found himself at Tweek Bros. Coffeehouse. He stood outside the door nervously, hoping that Craig wouldn't be around to bully him.

Pip exhaled slowly. He pushed the door open and walked into the café, abruptly feeling a wave of apprehension wash over him. Although nobody had noticed him slip into the building, Pip felt like all eyes were on him. Years of having everyone glaring at him for no apparent reason had really taken its toll, causing him to unknowingly develop a touch of social anxiety. He hated being the centre of attention and just wanted to be left alone, but Pip wasn't that lucky. He felt saddened at how people would stare at him - their beady eyes judging him constantly for every little thing he did, making him feel extremely awkward.

Pip swallowed his fear and stepped towards the counter, relieved not to see Craig lurking around. Tweek had his back to Pip and was drying a mug with a towel. Pip looked up at the menu. He just needed to order something cheap. Yes, something cheap and then he could get out of there. He decided on a simple coffee - despite the fact he despised it, as it was the cheapest thing on the menu and all he could afford.

"Um, excuse me?" he said softly.

Tweek finished drying the mug and turned around, surprised to see the Brit standing there. "Oh, it's you." he stated. "What c-can I get you?"

"G-Good evening Tweek, I hope that you have had a pleasant day today." he looked up at the price board again. "Could I please get a small coffee?"

Tweek nodded his head, "Yeah, fine." He turned away and started preparing it.

Pip nodded his head in appreciation and fiddled with his fingers, turning around and looking at the other people in the café. They were all too busy laughing and joking with their friends to notice him, which was a relief. He didn't realise he'd zoned out until he felt Tweek prod him in the back, causing him to flinch.

"Uh, Pip, it's done." Tweek repeated for the fourth time, handing over the polystyrene cup. "That'll b-be two dollars please."

Pip reached into his pocket and pulled out the crinkled notes, handing them over to the jittery teen. He bowed his head politely, taking the coffee from the counter. "Thank you. I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening."

"Um, yeah... you too, I guess." Tweek turned away.

"Righto." Pip crossed the threshold of the café and left.

Safe at last.

Pip embraced the warmth of the cup as he walked down the street, exhaling softly. He smiled, feeling a spark of excitement in his chest. He had successfully done it! He happily passed by the a few more shops on the street, a few flakes of snow beginning to flutter down. He shivered.

South Park: Dragging Me DownWhere stories live. Discover now