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Pip knelt under the faucet as it rained down on him, eyes closed as he tried to ignore the burning sensations which were throbbing on his face, head and shoulders. Sizzling red marks marred his skin and the teenager blankly stared at the floor, feeling incredibly awful about what had happened, but also numb to the pain.

It was a cycle of abuse. He knew his injuries would eventually heal, and he knew he'd be traumatized by the emotional and physical scars long after it happened, but he just found himself not really caring any more. After all, it'd been the exact same throughout his entire life and he knew it wouldn't be changing any time soon.

He sat in the shower for a long while, pondering his hopeless situation, when he heard the echo of voices in the corridor. He seized up, hoping they'd go away.

"No emos allowed!" came the Coach's annoyed voice.

"We're goths, douchebag."

"Same difference. You shouldn't be in here at lunch."

Pip curled his trembling hands into fists. He didn't really want another run-in with anyone else today because they'd probably yell at him or hurt him some more, including those he could hear talking in the corridor. He held his head in his arms and helplessly trembled, praying the goths or the teacher wouldn't enter the changing room.

"As I said before, I don't care what you are, you ain't coming in here."

"Conformist scumbag."

"Fine. We'll go elsewhere to smoke."

The entrance doors could be heard slamming against the door frame, followed by the teacher's string of curses which became fainter as he walked further away from the boys' changing room.

Although a little happy they'd left, a small part of Pip's subconcious hoped they would have found him. As much as he knew he deserved to be alone he really missed having company.

The goth kids. The goth kids reminded him too much of...


Pip couldn't help himself as the tears began to fall.


"Ugh, this is so lame!" came Cartman's frustrated yell as he struggled through his English work. "Who gives a shit about plays?"

"Language, Eric!"

Kenny rolled his eyes at his friend's antics and aimlessly stared at the clock, zoning into the sound of it ticking. He boredly looked over at the other boys in his class - all of whom were talking about Clyde's birthday which was coming up.

"So you're having a big birthday bash are you?"

"Hell yeah, my parents said I can have a pool party!"

"In April?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Nothing, just might be a little cold."

"Stop being a pussy, Craig."

Craig flipped him off.

"Anyways, I'm gonna get to work writing some invites to give out. I wanna make this the biggest and best party ever!" Clyde beamed.

"To impress a certain blonde?" Craig deadpanned, causing his friend to slightly blush.

"I didn't say anything like that."

"Uh huh."

Kenny zoned out of their conversation and listened to Cartman complaining some more about the work. Kyle had finally bit back and the two were embroiled in a heated argument... again.

South Park: Dragging Me DownWhere stories live. Discover now