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"Pip, you have some visitors here to see you."

Pip looked up from the bawdy story of the gossip magazine he'd been reading and felt the quickening beat of his heart, a regular occurrence when hospital visitors were announced to him. It always got him thinking. Who would it be this time? Was it Kenny? One of his bullies? Had they found him?

The ward door was flung open and in ran the bundle of joy better known as Karen McCormick, followed by the hero himself, Mysterion, in the guise of Kenny McCormick. Karen jumped across Pip's bed and hugged him tightly.


Pip flinched at her violent movement which didn't go unnoticed by her brother. "Hello you." he smiled, patting her head.

"Hey Pipsicle." Kenny nodded, taking the seat next to his bed. "How you feeling?"

Pip's face started to heat up. "I-I'm okay, thank you. I-I've been talking... a lot? And being... open with the doctor? I-I think you would be proud!" he squeaked.

Kenny smiled. "That's amazing Pip, well done! See, I told you you had it in you. You just need to let go of these feelings and start fresh." he lowered a box of cookies and slid them onto his bedside table.

"Are these for me?" Pip queried, eying up the box.


"W-Why? You didn't have to do that."

Kenny shrugged, "It's cool to be kind. Besides, it was Karen's idea. She made these at school and wanted to share 'em with you."

"T-Thank you Karen!" Pip smiled. He leant toward her awkwardly as if he were about to give her a hug, but he paused and patted her head instead.

"You're really really welcome Pippy! I hope you like them!" she propped herself higher up on his bed so she could hug him easier. "We made cookies in different shapes. I did stars because I like them. They're pointy."

Pip felt his body go numn as her friendly hug got tighter and more restrictive. Kenny noticed his anxiety so called Karen off him. She jumped off his bed and pounced onto the chair next to him, crouching on her knees.

The siblings went quiet for a few moments. Pip felt the need to make small talk and continue their conversation. "I-I... I think I'm healing good. Mentally I feel I'm in a better place after speaking with Doctor Thomas. He told me... things."

"That's good. I'm really happy for you."

"I think I'm healing physically too, but that's taking more time because... well... you know..."

Kenny nodded. Pip's wounds were cut deep and some would never completely heal. "I'm sure in a few months your injuries will fix up nicely."

Karen's ears pricked up, her curiosity piqued. "Do you have scars?"

Kenny frowned at her insensitivity but Pip didn't seem to mind. He rolled up his hospital gown sleeves to reveal his thin pale arms. They were covered in bruises, discolourations and scratches which were in various stages of healing. He bent his right arm forwards to show her a deep scar etched into his skin from his elbow up to his shoulder.

Karen gasped and dropped her hands on his arm as a supportive gesture. "Does... does it hurt? Does everything hurt?"

"It's... getting better. They all feel much better than before. The pain was worse after repeat incidents..."

"Repeat incidents?"

"Um... not being able to heal... because they weren't given the time to."

"That's horrible..." Karen replied softly, eyes shining. "Will you go back home after you leave here?"

Pip paused. He rolled his sleeves back down. "I don't know."

"After?" Kenny pondered, having not thought that far through himself.

"I... don't mind living in my box again but if someone from school finds me-"

"Pip, I don't think the hospital will release you with no home to go to." Kenny firmly interjected.

"Does that mean I'll have to go to the orphanage again? I'd just... sort of prefer not to do that." he murmured sadly.

"Can Pip come and live with us?" Karen beamed, only half-listening to their conversation. "Can he? Can he?"

Pip's face bloomed scarlet and Kenny looked away from him, feeling equally as awkward. "Uh..."

"I-I... well, I couldn't-"

"Yeah... um..." Kenny's eyes bulged. "That wouldn't work."

Although Kenny would've loved Pip to stay with them, their parents could be a nightmare and also abusive if they were in a foul enough mood, and Kenny didn't want Pip to go through that again.


"It's our parents, Karen. Think about it."

"Aww..." she pouted.

"T-Thanks anyway, Karen." Pip forced a smile, a little disappointed. "I-I'll be fine."

"Have you spoken about this with anyone yet?" Kenny asked him. "I mean, what will happen when you leave, like."

Pip shook his head. "I'm scared if I do they'll just kick me out."

"Why do you say that?"

Pip wriggled uncomfortably in his sheets. "W-Well I've been in here a fair few days now and I'm probably taking up their valuable time and a valuable bed but I... don't want things to change just yet. I really like my doctor and everyone's been so nice to me and when I leave things will probably go back to how they were before and I just... don't think I can live like that again. This is why I haven't broached the subject yet. If I mention it they'll probably want to get rid of me."

"I get where you're coming from, I really do, but I honestly think things will be different for you from now on." Kenny said.

"I don't know..." Pip played with his blanket. "I just... want to go back to England... Nobody knew me there, and wouldn't have known this was happening to me. My problems would still be my own. All I've done is cause you trouble."

Karen moved onto Pip's bed again and hugged him. She snuggled her head into his chest. "You're the best thing that happened to us, Pip. You're no trouble."

Pip smiled sadly and rested a hand on her head, not believing her.

"You ARE the best thing that's happened to us." Kenny repeated, his eyes shining. "To... me."

His sincere smile made Pip believe him.

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