Part One: Greeting

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You wake up from a night of chaos, you could still hear the shouting of your fathers voice echoing through the house even though it was silence. You close your eyes and take deep breaths, slowly get up and out of your bed trying to be quite incase you wake up your parents. You make your way to your closet and pick out your outfit for the day. You decide on a pair of black ripped jeans and a while long sleeved shirt and your favourite doc boots that you were given for a gift last Christmas. After choosing your outfit you made your bed and put the clothes onto your bed for after your shower.

Continuing with your routine, you headed to the bathroom and took a hot shower to relieve your stress and officially start the day. You grabbed your towel and wrapped it around you, you faced your mirror which was covered with the steam. Wiping it off you stare at yourself and practice your smile. The faker the more believed people are. You can hear the creaking footsteps outside your room so you quickly brush your teeth and run out the bathroom to get changed.

Once you we're all ready, dressed and make up on, you put all your homework from the night before into your bag and headed downstairs. Because you were the only one actually up and prepared for the day ahead you decided you'd just have a simple slice of toast and cover it in the jam you found in the fridge.

"Good morning" your mother says coming down in her dressing gown. "Morning mom." You respond with a smile on your face. "You all packed for school? Do you want me to make you a lunch or you able to go get some at school?" She asks you seeing your bag near the counter. "I'm fine thanks mom, I'll get something from the canteen." You say and sit on the counter. Your mom clicks her finger and points down because your not allowed to sit on the counter so you get on and roll your eyes. "Don't you dare roll your eyes at me missy." Your mother jokes with a smirk. "Sorry mom." You laugh at her knowing you can joke about.

You hear heavy foot prints from upstairs and you go silent knowing exactly who it is. You mother notices the change but knows that she can't say anything about what might happen. Finally, the thing you were dreading, your father stumbled himself down the stairs. "Good morning girls." He grunts and makes his way to the other side of the counter. "Morning." You and your mother both mumble. "Aren't you supposed to be at school?" Your father questions you wanting to get you out so he can have the "peace" he wants. "I have an hour. The bus ain't even here." You answer his question. "Don't speak back to me. Hurry up and get out." He slightly raises his voice. You go back to being quite and your mother looks down at her feet in shame because she can't say anything about this.

"Fine I'll go. Have a great day mom," you say and pause "and dad." You say sarcastically and leave the house.

~at Blackwell~

After your walk to the campus you were exhausted, you felt like you were dragging your arms on the concrete full of chewed gum from years or months before. You stumble up the stairs where Justin and his stoners hang out and skate. You go under your tree where you go to write notes for science or to call your friends.

Leaning your head back you slide down the tree and close your eye's trying to regain some energy. You grab a plastic water bottle out of your bag and take a sip. You make a loud sigh and breathe heavily. "Screw you dad" you whisper under your breath.

A nerdy looking guy walks past. "Umm.. hey?" The nerd says and waves at you. "Do I know you?" You ask him clearly bothered and would rather just be talking to yourself right now. "Um. I don't think so. I'm Elliot." Elliot greets you and offers his hand to shake. "Y/n. And I don't think I'm capable of lifting my hand to shake yours at the moment." You joke and smirk a bit. "Oh sorry. Are you okay? Do you need any help?" Elliot asks trying to be polite. "It would help if you gave me some space to actually breathe." You say slowly starting to getting bothered again. "Right sorry. I'll leave you be." He says and walks over to lean on the wall where Justin's stoners normally hang. You try to ignore him but his giggling at random cat meme or whatever is on his phone slowly start to irritate you so you decide to get up and walk about a bit.

You find a table with a couple nerds you know and love, playing a game which you don't understand but seeing that it makes them happy you smile at them. "y/n! Hey!" Steph says and has a bright smile on her face. "Hey Steph, cool beanie." You tease and flick her beanie before sitting beside Mikey. "Sup y/n." Mikey nods. "Is he trying to act like Drew? It doesn't suit you bud." You and Steph both laugh while Mikey rolls his eyes.

"Why you here so early?" Steph asks really confused because your normal around twenty minutes before your classes start not an hour. "I was gonna get some extra credit and study a bit in the library but I can't be bothered." You lie because you don't want to worry your best friends. "I could help you study after the campaign." Mikey offers you and shows you his study book packed with all the art he's been doing. "Yeah thanks Mikey but I'm kinda not doing art. Science is my major." You say and slightly giggle. "Don't forget you sit by me in literature!" Steph says butting in. "I can't forget that." You laugh again. "Oh hey how's the tempest?" You add.

"It's amazing, I can show you back stage sometime. The stage is actually set up already." Steph points her pen at the theatre stage in-front the school pool. "Shit yeah.. why didn't I realise that was there I was literally just in-front of it." You groan and rest your head on Mikey's shoulder tired. Mikey giggles at you. "Y/n want some of my coffee? It's your favourite." Steph offers the coffee too you. "Oh my god. Yes! Thank you I love you." You snatch it out her hands needing the energy. Steph giggles at you while you drink her drink.

(Time skip to a little while after thirty minutes)

Steph and Mikey were in deep to the their dungeons and dragons campaign and were close to the final, Justin was relaxed under a tree probably high, Evan was being the douche he always is and was trying to get people to sign his paper's, basically being BORING! And Victoria was at the fountain probably failing at science because you know how much she sucks at it and can't even name all the important elements. Your just silently revising your science work making sure everything is correct even though you checked it over and over again five times before you went to bed.

You go to go throw away some rubbish you found in the bottom of your bag and bump into a familiar face. "Watch it." She says and hold you so you both don't end up falling. "Umm sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you." You say back and try to walk away. "Careful next time." She shouts at you as you walk back to the table. You go back to the bench you were studying at. While you were rewriting your notes and listening to music off of Steph's phone because you forget your earphones.

You look up and see that girl sitting on the bench so you take one out to listen to what Steph's saying. "Hey Chloe here's that DVD I borrowed." Steph says and gives the DVD to the girl. "Thanks, who's the chick?" Chloe says and tilts her head obliviously talking about you. "Y/n, she's one of my best friends." Steph says "you guys have the same science don't you?" She add. "That's where I know you from!" You slam down the pencil realising, not realising your embarrassing yourself and that you made it clear you were listening in to what they where saying. "Umm hi?" Chloe says with a slight smirk. "Sorry.. umm hi I'm y/n." You say realising you just embarrassed yourself a lot. Mikey sniggers at what you did so you elbow him.

"So Chloe, is it true you and Rachel are like a thing now?" Steph asks really curious. "What? Where'd you get that from?" Chloe asks confused where that came from. "It's everywhere, everyone's talking about you both being seen at a firewalk concert." Steph responded. "Firewalks badass!" You say recognising the bands name. "I know I've got great taste. But yeah me and Rachel barely know each other." Chloe says and looks at Steph.

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