Part Sixteen: Safe

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"For fucks sake I'm fine can't everyone just let that be?" You mutter under your voice and kick the vending machine.

"Can you not do that? Thank you." The nurse at the counter asks and gives you a look. You flip her off then go to sit in the waiting room to calm down. You stay there for what feels like hours until you get a message.

(You take out your phone and look to see you've got a message from your mother)


Mom: "y/n I've left your father, I've called the police and told them, I don't know what they're doing about it but I think he's going to court. I've packed you a bag and some photos and I'm staying at the neighbours across the road. Please stay safe. Xx"

"Mom, oh my god I didn't think you actually would. Yeah I'm so happy, I'm at the hospital right now, don't worry I'm fine just a few scratches that we can talk about on a later day. I love you. Xx":You

Mom: "honey I'm sorry I couldn't do this sooner, I'm sorry it took me 15 years to finally stand up. Why are you at the hospital? Do you need me to come down? Xx"

"Mom I'm fine I'm checking on a few friends and I'm waiting for someone important to come see me again. Xx" :You

Mom: "okay honey, please text me or call me I love you x"

(You put your phone away and smile)

When you look back up you see chloe walking down the corridor. You wave and Chloe looks at you and frowns. She keeps walking closer and closer then sits beside you in the empty blue chair. "Hey, I'm sorry about earlier." Chloe says and looks down at her hands. You slowly slip your hand into hers. "Don't apologise, James overreacted it's not your fault." You say and look at her with a soft smile.

Chloe looks up at you and kisses you softly. "Thank you." Chloe looks you in the eyes after pulling away from the kiss. "No problem." You have a smug smile on your face. "Look Rachel might take days to fully recover so let's go home, get some rest, then come back in the morning okay?" Chloe says and keeps the eye contact. "Okay do you mind if I crash at yours?" You ask and look at Chloe sadly. "Of course you can. I'll tell my mom your staying for the night I'm sure she wouldn't mind a good girl like you being in my room." Chloe smirks and raises an eyebrow seductively.

"Okay never call me that again." You go to say but then Chloe says. "Why because you get flustered by it easily?" She asks and looks at you again. "Okay let's go before you embarrass me." You say and grab Chloe's writs while standing up. Chloe and you both run off to her truck. She drives you off to the price house and parks out by the front.

"Hey well shall we go in then?" Chloe asks and leans over to look at you. "Yeah. Let's go." You smile at her and kiss her gently before getting out the truck. Chloe hops out the truck and goes to knock on the door.

"Oh hey girls, y/n lovely too see you again." Joyce says opening the door and smiling. "Hey mom, do you mind letting y/n stay the night?" Chloe asks and steps in past Joyce. "I don't see why not. Everything okay honey?" Joyce asks you and looks at you. "Yeah I'm fine." You say and step in after wiping your shoes clean. "Oh okay, would you girls like any food? Me and David are going to get homemade burgers. Would you want to join us?" Joyce asks and closes and locks the door.

"Umm.. no thank you, but I think I'm fine for now." You say and follow Chloe. "Mom if we get hungry we'll go get a pizza or something from the freezer." Chloe rolls her eyes so you nudge her before you both go upstairs. "You could be nicer you know?" You say and raise an eyebrow to Chloe. "Yeah but who don't love a bad girl and good girl relationship?" Chloe smirks and goes into her room. "Ha ha. Very funny." You roll your eyes and close the door behind you.

"Am I wrong?" Chloe asks and kinda pins you against the door after you close is. "Oh.. I.. umm.." you look up at Chloe obviously flustered and having a full gay panic. Chloe leans in and your lips touch you feel her smirking. "Umm.. Chloe what are you doing?" You ask pulling away from the kiss. "Kissing you? Problem?" Chloe tilts her head and smirks more. "No but come on I'm staying here tonight, your parents are downstairs." You list a ton of things. "Firstly David's not my dad plus they don't care. We could be quite." Chloe smirks.

"Can we just chill out a bit?" You ask and try to move out. "Yeah sure." Chloe says and moves back and sits on her bed. You move Chloe's shelf off her bed from this morning. "Are you okay?" Chloe asks and looks at you. "I mean yeah I'm fine." You say and sit down beside her. "You sure? You took a mean beating from Damon." Chloe ask and strokes your hair behind your ear. "Mhm. I'm fine." You say and smile even though your eyebrows and chin have small cuts. "I wish you didn't come along, you didn't deserve this." Chloe says and lifts up your chin carefully. "I'm fine Chloe. I promise." You say and smile at her caring.

"Okay." Chloe pulls you in gently and kisses your lips softly while holding your chin up. You smile and kiss her back. "Umm Chloe.." you whisper breaking the kiss. "Hm?" Chloe looks at your lips then eyes. "I think we can't just be friends who make out..." you say and look her in the eyes. "Oh.. what are we then?" Chloe asks not taking the hint. "Do you think I could be your girlfriend?" You ask and look down incase she says no. "Girlfriends Huh?" Chloe smirks and looks at you. You nod.

"Yes. You can be my girlfriend." Chloe smiles at you. "Yes!" You whisper and kiss her. Chloe kisses you and holds your waist. "Hey girls- OH!" David shouts just barging into Chloe's room without knocking. "David! Get out!" Chloe breaks out the kiss and moves her hand. "I'm sorry! I didn't see anything! Just use protection!" David shouts awkwardly and walks back out with his hand over his eyes.

You giggle and cover you mouth. "you seriously think this is funny?" Chloe asks and smirks. You nod and cross your arms. Chloe grabs her pillow covered in stains from her smoking in her room and hits you around the head with it. "hey!" you jump up and move the pillow chloe laughs at you. "Now that was funny." Chloe says with a big grin on her face.

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