Part Six: The Run

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You and chloe make eye contact once again.. the tension starts to build up but then-

"Hey guys!" Rachel says and drops a duffel on the hood of the truck. "Careful! She's intact for now!" Chloe yells scared the car could break even though she just got it. "Y/n actually skipped. I'm impressed." Rachel says and crosses her arms with a smug smirk on her face. "It's not that shocking." You say and cross your arms. "Your miss would cry if she got in trouble for one thing." Chloe says and teases. You give Chloe a look which makes her go quite.

Rachel looks at Chloe then you. "We're you guys gonna kiss?"  Rachel asks and points at you both. "No!" You both say at the same time. "Right.. anyway. Me and y/n best be going if we want to make it back to class in time." Rachel says and tilts her head in the direction she'll be leaving. "Right yeah. Later Chloe." You say and wave quickly before heading to leave.

"So you like Chloe?" Rachel teases once your far enough so Chloe can't hear. "What? No." You say clearly lying. "Y/n unlike me, your a terrible actress." Rachel says and laughs at you. "Fine maybe but why does that matter?" You ask and raise an eyebrow. "It doesn't but it's good to know." Rachel says and smirk. "Please don't tell her. Like I know you guys are very close but I'm not even sure if I like her! It's like a tingle and weird feeling in my stomach when we're around." You say and blabber on not knowing to shut up.

"So if you guys got together does that mean your gonna run away with us?" Rachel asks and looks you dead in the eyes. "What? You guys are going to run away?" You ask her not having a clue about this. "That's why Chloe's getting that busted junk truck to work."Rachel laughs off because she rhymed. "Oh.. yeah. I mean I would go. I have nothing good here anyway. Other then Steph and Mikey." You say and look at the floor. "Wouldn't your mom or dad care about their little angel?" Rachel teases because she knows you don't like getting in trouble. You go silent. "You do have parents right? If not I am so sorry!" Rachel says panicked because you didn't say anything. "No no! I have parents. But my dad.. umm.." you stutter not knowing if you could tell Rachel or not. "Hey.. is everything okay? You can tell me." Rachel says and holds your shoulder.

"Okay well.. my dads not really a nice guy.. he.. umm.. hurts us? My mom mostly but yesterday he grabbed me and threw me to the floor.. then their was the usual yelling and screaming that happens every night.." you stutter really scared and tear up a bit. Rachel hugs you tightly. "Hey.. everything's gonna be okay. Don't worry." Rachel says and strokes your hair trying to calm you. "Who knows about this? Could we get the police involved?" Rachel asks and tries to make eye contact to stop you crying. "My mom, me and you know. But if we get the police involved it might cause more pain and drama and what if nothing happens Rach what if they leave us?! He'll be angry." You start crying again so Rachel just holds you.

"Okay can you do me a favour? Go home now you dad will be at work right? So go home, pack a bag message your mom what your doing and come spend the night at mine. I'll get an air mattress and everything. Just to keep you safe till we can trust an adult to know." Rachel says and holds your arms firmly to make you know she's serious. "Okay.. but I have an English exam next period." You say and laugh through your tears. "I'll tell the teacher something happened and you need to take the test another time." Rachel says and laughs with you. You nod and smile. "Okay. I'll do it." You say and smile. Rachel smiles back and you both walk to the bus stop.

"Stay safe. I'll see you tonight for the tempest." Rachel says as you get on the bus.

~on the bus~

You sit on the bus and smile. Your really happy you told someone you could trust. You keep the creeps away from you and just focus on getting home. As your bus comes to your stop you go home and get in quickly.

"Y/n..? Why are you home?" You hear your moms voice as you enter the house. "Mom? Umm.. I'm sorry.." you say and start tearing up. "Hey hey hey! What's wrong?" Your mother says and comes up to comfort you. "I.. I have to get out of here. I can't keep living in fear of what dad might do. Until it's safe and he's gone. I'm not staying here." You shout in tears. You run off to your room and lock the door behind you.

You grab your biggest duffle and stack the bag with tons of your clothes, you grab your toothbrush and some shampoos and soaps and put your blanket in a pillow in there. You hear you mom knocking on your door. "Please y/n don't leave. Please." She begs and you can hear the pain in her voice. "I'm sorry mom. I love you." You say through the door then open your window to climb out of.

You put you coat on and lift the hood up so nobody sees your face. You head to the bus stop but you haven't got change. "Shit.. I gotta call someone to pick me up or I'll have to walk." You say to yourself annoyed.

(You start messaging Rachel)

Rachel Amber

"Rachel I've got my stuff but I ain't got no money any chance you could pick me up?":you

Rachel: "I don't drive. Can't you just walk?"

"I don't want to walk 😞":you

Rachel: "I'm sure Chloe could make you limp 😏"

"OMG" :you

Rachel: "😂🤣😂"

"I regret telling you that I liked her." :you

Rachel: "anyway just walk here dude. It's hella to hot to sit in a bus for 30 minutes."

"fine." :you

Rachel: "and I'm sure Chloe's lap is your favourite seat."

(You leave her on read and put your phone away)

"Asshole." You whisper and blush cuz she was teasing you. You keep your hood up and walk for double the time and go to Blackwell.

~at Blackwell~

You sit by the fountain because all the air was cool because of the water. You take your hood down and enjoy the fresh breeze of the wind. You smile at the sky with your chin up high and breath in that fresh air. Suddenly your entire face is covered in water.

"Hello again." Victoria says in her bitchy tone holding a clear plastic cup which she filled with fountain water just to throw at you. "what the fuck was that for?!" You shout and wipe your eyes. "Pay back bitch, you spat coffee at me," She refills the plastic cup again and throws it again "splashed water in my face like I'm doing now." She adds while repeating and throwing more water on you. "And you fucked up my homework." She adds again but you grab the cup out her hand this time and throw it back at her.

"The first two were accidental! The third I didn't even do. Maybe go fuck yourself or get one of the pedo, ass teachers that stare at you to go fuck you because they just want a little whore to fuck so they think they have power and you'll have no self respect. Your worthless to yourself and everyone else. Stop thinking your better than anyone and fuck off." You shout and push Victoria to the floor and stand one of her heels to break it. You head to the dorms to cool off properly and go sit by Steph.

"Hey wow you look tired. You okay?" Steph asks and puts her arm around you. "Yeah I'm good. Just pushed Victoria to the floor for throwing water at me." You mumble and close your eyes. "That's why your shoulders soaked." Steph giggles. "Mhm.. I broke her heel in her shoe." You add and smirk with your eyes closed. "Chloe's in the dorms you know?" Steph says. "Why I thought she was expelled." You say and sit up. "I don't know I saw her earlier. She made skip quit." Steph laughs. "Awww I loved skip he was so fun!" You say and feel bad.

Drew, Mikey's older brother comes running out. "STEPH! Steph! Can you call an ambulance? Please!" Drew begs and runs back in. You and Steph drop what you were doing and dart into the dorms. You see Mikey on the floor holding his arm in pain. "What happened drew?!" You shout as you go to help Mikey up while Steph calls an ambulance.

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