Part Nineteen: Discharged

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"See you got an attitude as bad as mine now, your supposed to be a good girl y/n. Don't misbehave and make me have to punish you cute ass." Chloe laughs at herself hearing how cringey that sounded.

"Wow never, ever will you say anything like that again." You laugh at her. "I can't take myself seriously that was so bad." Chloe puts a palm to her head annoyed she was so embarrassing. Chloe's phone buzz's like seven times within a minute. "Check that it seems important." You point to her phone. "Fine," Chloe says and looks. "It's Rachel she's being let out early because she's feeling well enough to be let out. She wants me to pick her up you okay staying here or wanna tag along?" She adds asking you.

"Yeah can I sit in the back though? If I sit in the front I have an idea you'd try to flirt and fail again and you don't need the embarrassment." You say and look at Chloe. "Again." You add so Chloe pushes your face down as a joke while laughing and shaking her head no. "Come on dweeb let's go." Chloe takes your arm carefully while holding you to the truck. She helps you in the back and locks you in there. "Comfy?" Chloe asks with a smirk. "No cold." You hold your arms trying to keep your body temperature up.

"You left my dads jacket in the front I still have it there let me get it." Chloe laughs and grabs it out the car to give it to you. "Thank you." you smile and put it on again. "No problem you look cute in it. Let's go now." She taps the side of the truck before getting in and driving to the hospital.

"Stay in the truck." Chloe says and slams the door closed on her way out the truck. "What? Why?" You ask confused. "Just stay." Chloe talks to you like your a dog while she storms into the hospital. "I'm not your pet." You mumble and cross your arms annoyed. You keep checking your phone waiting for a message of some sort from your mother but you just decide to text first.

(You get out your phone to message your mom)


"Hey mom, I was wondering if you found a place to stay yet. I'm sorry I don't mean to rush you or anything. But I just can't keep crashing over at my friends. Xx":You

Mom:"yes hun, I'm trying to get this small bungalow like place down near the coast. I'm sorry I got us in this mess :( x"

"Mom it's not your fault and I don't blame you, thank you for finally getting yourself safe and happier. We are safe now mom x":You

Mom:"I'm still sorry and I will make it up to you baby x"

"It's fine mom I'm fine can I come home tonight?":You

Mom:"of course, come around whenever we're at the neighbours for a bit till I can convince the landlord to let us live there x"

(You put your phone away)

You look up and see Chloe helping Rachel by carrying her bag for her. "Hey Ms Shakespeare." You say and slide your phone in Williams jacket. "Hey." Rachel says and smiles up at you. "Why they letting you out so early?" You ask as Rachel hops into the truck. "I'm well enough to go back out but I gotta do physical therapy every so many days." Rachel rolls her eyes and lies her head back. Chloe gets in and drives you all back to the junkyard.

~at the junkyard~

Chloe pulls up by the hideout and helps Rachel and you out carefully get out of the truck. "My lady," Chloe bows down as she helps you out. "Oh thank you, you sarcastic piece of shit." You laugh and get out by yourself. "Suit yourself cutie." Chloe shrugs and rubs the dirt off of her jeans. "Why are we here again?" Rachel asks and looks at you guys.

"Well we fixed up the hideout to be our hangout, we were thinking you could stay here tonight or stay at Chloe's so you don't have to see your dad tonight." You explain and help Rachel into the hideout. "Thank you guys, I mean the offer is amazing but the mattress looks like it expired two decades ago." Rachel laughs and looks at the mattress you and Chloe found. "That's why you can stay at mine. Look y/n is gonna go check on her mom and stay there tonight. So your gonna be at mine if not here so don't worry." Chloe smiles at Rachel and you while leaning on the wall with her arms crossed.

"Thank you guys.. I know last time you guys did anything you were both beaten to near death and I'm sorry." Rachel looks down feeling guilty. "Hey we offered, we care a lot about you Rach, and this is something small." You smile at Rachel. "Yeah and I'm still on hunt for Sera, Rachel you can't change my mind I will find her and you will meet her." Chloe says and keeps an eye on Rachel.

"Chloe you don't have too.." Rachel says and looks down scared again. "Whatever happened to Damon happened and he's gone now. It's not a risk anymore." Chloe says and stands by you. "I'm gonna finish what I started, you'll get to meet your mother. You deserve that." Chloe adds and looks at Rachel. She smiles at Chloe and gives her a hug as Chloe stands there with her arms by her side so awkward it causes you to laugh a little bit. Chloe gives you a glare then smirks at herself because she couldn't take herself seriously.

"Just please be careful whatever you do?" Rachel asks and pulls out of the hug to see Chloe's facial expression. "I'll be fine, I'm not gonna let anything happen to y/n or you. Y/n will not be tagging along with me because I don't want her hurt again." Chloe explains and looks back at you for a second. "I won't get hurt Chloe. You don't need to worry about me." You say and smile at her.

"I'm not taking the chances. Your my girlfriend now I need to protect you." Chloe says and Rachel looks at you both confused. "GIRLFRIENDS?! Since when?!" Rachel shouts with a huge smile on her face knowing you were obsessed. "Yesterday, technically last night but yeah. Problem?" Chloe asks and smiles. You smile up at the taller girl who your dating somehow. "No problem. Just use protection girls." Rachel smirks and winks.

"Oh fuck you." Chloe laughs and rolls her eyes. "Well don't you worry me and-" Chloe covers your mouth to shut you up. "Oh.. okay y/n." Rachel laughs and Chloe looks down at you and smirks. "I'm being honest." You shrug and smirk up at Chloe. Chloe rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "So who knows?" Rachel asks curiously. "You and you only. I'm gonna tell Steph later today or maybe tomorrow? I don't know. I met Ms. Price and Mr. Madsen. Their cool." You nod and smile. "David is not cool. Don't make me throw up." Chloe covers her mouth and fake gags. You elbow her and she laughs.

"Your a little shit you know?" You ask and look up at her. "Taller than you though." Chloe leans in near your face and smirks. "Your a dick!" You shout and roll your eyes. "Roll them again I dare you." Chloe looks at you. "Helloooo?! I'm still here!" Rachel clears her throat and makes you both look at her.

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