Part Twenty-Two: Helpers

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"Asshole." Chloe mumbles.

"Whatever you say Price." You smile and giggle slightly. "Could we go downstairs and ask you mom when David will be back? Or just tell her where to go so she knows when to come help?" You ask Chloe and look over at her. "Fine but does your mom know your.. ahem.. gay? Or with me?" Chloe asks after clearing her throat. "Not me being with you. I'm trying to cause her less stress right now. And yeah she kinda knows. She might have walked in on me and my ex girlfriend making out.. once or twice.." you mumble. "Oh so you weren't so innocent as I thought huh?" Chloe asks with a smirk.

"Oh shut up." You cover your face embarrassed. "I'm glad your not as innocent. Maybe I'd have gotten rid of all of that." Chloe smirks at you. "Alright then! Ummm I'm going downstairs see you there!" You get up to go.

"Baby?" Chloe asks so you turn around. "Yes?" You respond and tilt your head slightly. Chloe gets up and kisses you. You smile and pull back gently. "That all?" You ask and lick you lip a bit. "All you allow me to do at the moment. Right?" Chloe asks and raises an eyebrow. "For now. More later?" You ask and look up at her. "Oh definitely. Let's go now though cutie." Chloe moves her hand around your waists and leads you out her bedroom door.

She takes you downstairs and waits by the door. "I'll be back in a bit." You say and kiss her cheek before going to the kitchen to talk to Joyce. "Hey Joyce, I asked my mom and she wouldn't mind the help if your still offering." You say and look at your shoes incase Joyce says no. "Oh okay hun, I'll call David and we'll meet you there where is it?" Joyce asks turning off the stove.

"Really? Thank you Joyce! Umm it's the second street on the left of the school. Near the very end. You'll notice it because Chloe's truck will be outside." You say happy that she's going to help. "Okay then we'll see you there. Are you heading there now?" Joyce asks you. "Yeah so I'll see you there later?" You ask back. Joyce nods and you nod back.

"Okay can you hurry y/n!" Chloe shouts from the door. "Okay I'm coming! Bye Joyce!" You run off. "Bye y/n." Joyce's voice echos as you run out the door. Chloe and you run to the truck and you both hop in. "I'll get the engine started in a sec, just gotta text Rach." Chloe says and starts to text Rachel.

"Alright.." you say and sit there awkwardly. Ten minutes go by and Chloe's still texting Rachel. "can we go my mom will be wondering where I we are." You say. "Yeah I'll text her when we're there then. Sorry." Chloe says and slides her phone back into her pocket. You sit there in silence as Chloe drives, you feel a feeling you hardly ever feel, a feeling of jealousy and envy. You think to yourself what does your girlfriend have to talk to one of her girl best friends for ten minutes.

Chloe pulls up. "I'll meet you in there okay? Just gotta finish a message to Rachel okay?" Chloe asks and looks you in the eyes. "Mhm.. I'll see you in there I guess.." you say and get out the car. "Y/n." Chloe says after opening the window. "Yeah?" You turn around and look at her. "I'm gonna take you somewhere special after this I promise you." Chloe looks you dead in the eyes.

"Okay I'll see you in there." You smile then run into your old house. You knock on the door and wait patiently. Your mother runs to the door and once you see each other you hold each other in a hug. "I'm so sorry mom!" You start to tear up. "Oh honey I'm the one who needs to apologise." Your mom says and breaks down in tears. You both laugh and cry. "Thank you for pushing me to do this.. I'm so so sorry it took this long." Your mom says and starts to wipe her tears.

"It's fine mom.. we're safe now." You smile and hug her. "Yeah.. he's left Arcadia Bay. That's all that matters for now." Your mom says and smiles back at you. "Let's start packing shall we?" You ask and hold your mom's shoulder and walk her into the house. You make a few of the stacked boxes easier to carry items. "Hey!" Chloe says coming in through the door.

"Oh hello, you must be Chloe. Nice to meet you." You mom greets Chloe and hugs her so Chloe stands there awkwardly. "Hey.. yeah I'm Chloe great to meet you." Chloe nods as your mother let's go of her. "Hey baby." You say and kiss Chloe's cheek.

"Oh are you two?" Your mom points at you and Chloe as you nod. "Yeah we're together." Chloe smiles slightly and puts her arm around around your waist. "Oh so there will not be many girl sleepover's then." You mom mumbles. "Mom! Come on, you let me have sleepovers before and we haven't been dating for that long. Please? Maybe just for this night can I stay at hers?" You beg your mother and she gives in after your seventh attempt.

"Fine one night but I want to know that her mother is okay with it." You mom says and points at Chloe. "Oh please she's seen me do worse." Chloe mutters. "Like what?" Your mom asks her raising an eyebrow. "Nothing mom. Chloe boxes." You demand and snap your fingers then point at the folded boxes. "Fine bossy I'll finish with the boxes you take the made one's upstairs then." Chloe rolls her eyes and goes to the boxes.

After an hour or so, Joyce and David pull up. "Hey this the place?" Joyce asks stepping in carefully. "Hey mom yeah y/n's mom is upstairs packing do you guys mind helping up there while me and short stack here do the kitchen?" Chloe asks helping you put away the baby album. "Sure, see you both in a little bit. David brought his label maker." Joyce nods and David lifts the label maker like it's his trophy.

"Great bye then." Chloe rolls her eyes and tapes the box shut. "You could be nicer you know?" You ask and look up at Chloe. "Yeah yeah whatever shorty." Chloe fiddles with a spoon from out the cupboard. "Put the knifes, fork and spoons in this tray then in the pots and pans box." You explain and tap the box near the counter. "Got it short boss." Chloe salutes you and you both giggle. Chloe does as you say while you write the containments of what is inside each box.

"Babe next I'm gonna ask you to untangle all the wires behind the TV can you do that?" You ask Chloe as she carefully placed the plates in bubble wrap. "Yeah can I have some of this?" Chloe asks popping the bubble wrap. "No. Focus." You snap your fingers and Chloe looks at you. "Stop being bossy!" Chloe flicks you playfully.

"Why because you want to be in charge?" You ask and cross your arms. "Uh huh." Chloe nods and smirks. "Well. Too bad." You smirk back and look Chloe in the eyes. Chloe leans in and kisses you with a smirk on her face. Chloe rests her hands on your waist and you wrap your arms around the back of Chloe's neck.

"I swear if David comes down I'm gonna be tired of this." You mutter and look at Chloe after the kiss. "How about all three?" Chloe asks and moves hearing foot steps coming down. You roll your eyes and sit up on the counter again. "Hey girls, David's gonna carry the boxes down and the moving van should be here soon." Your mother says and smiles.

"Great mom. I'm happy you're finally looking happier." You smile back as Chloe smiles at you in awe. "I'm gonna call the company, y/n mind doing the TV?" Your mom asks you pulling out her phone. "I'll do it." Chloe offers and runs to the TV to sort out the wires. You smile and think it'll be helpful to go get some boxes with David. You both carry them down as the moving group comes and drags the boxes to the van and put them in.

"I can't wait to see the new place." You smile and hug into Chloe who just giggles down at you. "Right honey. We're moved out.. ready to move into the new place?" Your mom asks putting the keys on the kitchen counter. You look around your childhood home, thinking of the first time you was able to walk through the living room, the time you got your first A. All the positives moments in the home instead of the threats and trauma you had gathered from your alcohol abuser of a father.

"Yes mom. I can't wait to see the new place." You smile and look up at Chloe. "Alright let's go then." Your mom says and leaves.

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