Part Twenty-Four: The Date

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"Sarcastic dummy she wouldn't ever do that. Not to you at least." Rachel says and eats another chip then offers you one.

"No thanks.." you decline her offer and rub your arms feeling unease. "Captain Bluebeard this is Shakespearian Peggy do you copy? over" Rachel says through a walkie Talkie. "Captain Bluebeard on their way just walking the plank. Over" chloe responds. A short moment later Chloe in a black t-shirt with a suit print on it opens the door beside you. "My lady," Chloe bows her head and giggles. "Can I show you a hella perfect first date?" Chloe asks straightening herself up.

"Is this what took ten minutes of texting?" You ask and look at Rachel and Chloe. "I can't say." Rachel shakes her head. "Fine yeah, let's go then. Do I have to call you Captain Bluebeard?" You ask Chloe taking her hand as she leads you out the car. "No, you don't have to and I'd rather you call me Chloe but if you shall keep up with taking the piss out of me at some point of the evening totally." Chloe says and giggles.
Chloe leads you up this dirt path dim lit with candles in old beer bottle. She lets go of your hand so you both can cross the plank to the boat safely. "Careful." Chloe says taking your hand when your crossing closer to the ship.

"I'm more careful than you are miss price. Don't lecture me on that." You say being bratty. "Watch your ton I can easily make you walk the plank, this is my ship I make the rules." Chloe says laughing and pulls out your chair for you. "Old fold up chairs and a wheel for a table? How romantic." You hold your chest and sit down. "Only the best for you." Chloe says and gently kisses your lips.

"Hello I'm Shakespearian Peggy but you can call me Rachel I will me your server for the evening." Rachel says smiling with a little notebook in her hand and an old bath towel wrapped around her waist. "I gotta say I love your apron wheres you get it?" You ask being sarcastic. "Oh this little place called trashy island I'll email you a link." Rachel chuckles then passes you both a piece of paper with one type of food in each list.

"Oh wow.. so many things to choose from." Chloe says being sarcastic. "Well it is a zero star boat. What do you expect." You giggle and pass the paper back. "I will have the two whale burger with fries then ms. Rachel." You say and Rachel write it down. "Same here. And could I get a sauce packet?" Chloe asks looking up at her from the menu sheet.

"Of course! We have mayo or ketchup." Rachel offers. "Ketchup please. And can we get two sodas to go with that?" Chloe asks politely for once. "Yes yes! Let me go get that for you girls." Rachel says smiling then walks over. "Great service." You smile. "I know right. And we're getting served by a famous actress! I can't believe our luck on our first date." Chloe smiles more.

Rachel comes back with the food and drinks. "Hey excuse me." You tap Rachel's shoulder. "Yes?" Rachel asks looking at you. "Did you happen to be in the tempest a few days ago?" You ask her and smile. "Oh yes we're you there?" Rachel asks. "Yes! Actually before that, that's when me and my amazing girlfriend here had kissed for the first time ever." You explain and smile at Chloe. "Oh well I'm glad you enjoyed the show." Rachel giggles.

"Also it's rude not to tip the waiter so..." Rachel grabs one of Chloe's fries them quickly sprints to the other side of the plank. "Damn it was an accident curly fry.." Chloe says slightly annoyed. "NO REFUNDS!" You hear echo from where Rachel was. "Thank you for this." You look at Chloe and eat one of your fries.

"No problem. Cool shirt right?" Chloe asks and points to her suit shirt. "Hella cool." You smile and eat. You both eat and laugh then call Rachel back to eat the fries you didn't want. "I'm so gracious for these tips!" Rachel says and eats the fries. "Ready for the next part?" Chloe asks you helping you over the plank.

"There's more?" You smile up to her. "Yeah to the hideout." Chloe takes your hand to the hideout. "No. Nuh uh. I'm not gonna do it with you on a crusty mattress." You laugh. "IM STILL HERE!" Rachel shouts and everyone laughs. "No not that I just wanted to show you what we made." Chloe says and takes your hand again.

~in the hideout~

She shows you the "Chloe was here, Rachel was here" wall. "It's your turn." Chloe passes you a felt pen. You write your name and was here and smile. "woooo!" Chloe cups her mouth then claps. "It's done!" Rachel smiles and puts the fry holder on the little wheel table. "We all gotta contribute into making this our little clubhouse." Chloe says and points to both of you. "I agree." You smile and hug Chloe, knowing she's not a hugger.

"You okay to spend the night here Rach? I can ask my mom to let you borrow the sofa or something." Chloe offers. "I'm fine. If I get scared here I'll call you guys." Rachel says and smiles. "Chloe go buy a better blanket and pillow with the fifth dollars. She'll need it." You say and look at her. "Okay I'll be right back." Chloe says and kisses your forehead before leaving.

"You guys are so cute." Rachel smiles. "Thanks." You smile back and sit on the broken mattress with her. "If a spider comes here can you guys catch it for me?" Rachel asks. "You know what?" You stand up by the door. "CHLOE!" You shout outside the doorway before she got into the truck. "Yeah?" Chloe's voice echoed back. "Wait there me and Rachel are coming back to yours." You shout. "Grab your bag and stuff come on." You clap and be bossy to Rachel.

"Seriously there's no need." She says and tries to refuse. "You have no choice now come on." You say and grab her bag then run off. "Fine." Rachel says in relief and smiles. You put her bag in the back then hop in next to Chloe so Rachel has the window.

"Let's go chop chop!" You say still being bossy. "Is she always like this?" Rachel asks. "You have no idea." Chloe rolls her eyes then you raise an eyebrow to her so she goes quite. "Your scared of the short one?" Rachel asks. "Yes ma'am." Chloe nods and starts to drive off to hers.

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