Part Twenty-Eight: Reunion

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"Then let me do what I need to do. He's just a friend. I'm with you and I your the only one I care about. Doesn't this morning kinda prove it?" You try and lighten the mood.

"Fine, I'm sorry. Just I don't like him or his family and I'd prefer if you didn't hang out with him. I know that's controlling and shit but he's not as nice as he seems. He wants something and I don't trust it." Chloe says and keeps eye contact. "Fine.. if you hate him this much I won't be his friend.." you say and look at Chloe. "Thank you. I'm sorry I just don't trust him. He's always up to something and I don't want you getting dragged into all his vortex orgies." Chloe says and holds your shoulder sympathetically.

"The vortex parties seem fun though.." you look up at Chloe. "I mean we can go to them but we bring our own booze got it?" Chloe chuckles. "Fair." You smile up at her and hug her.

"Look I ain't feeling school today. Can I go chill with Steph for a bit? Go check on Rachel. I'll be by the dorms." You say and smile at Chloe. "Yeah okay, wanna go to the junkyard later tonight? I'm thinking we could camp out there, get a few sleeping bags and tents then gather some wood maybe do a bonfire?" Chloe asks looking down at you. "Are we seriously gonna trust Rachel near fire?" You ask remembering what happened.

"That wasn't her that was her rage and that wasn't her fault." Chloe explains. "Yeah yeah I know I was joking." You laugh. "Yeah well it's only a tiny bit funny anyway. So if Steph and Mikey wanna come we can have a little camp. You gotta help your mom making furniture after anyway so." Chloe shrugs.

"Babe I love the idea. I'll go talk to Steph about it, get her to tell Mikey and maybe Drew, they I'll get those three to come home with me and help me with furniture making so it goes faster. Get my pocket money and buy everyone burgers at the two whales then if I got any money afterwards I could buy marshmallows and sausage and we can have a proper camp." You smile planning everything out. "You know your cute when you plan out things?" Chloe asks and stares at you in awe.

"Softy." You roll your eyes and smile. "I love it baby." Chloe smiles. "Hm.. do you love me?" You ask her. "I do. I love you. That's.. weird to say." Chloe laughs and smiles down at you. "I knew you loved me." You say and have a huge smug smile on your face with your rosey cheeks from blushing not thinking she'd actually say it.

"You gonna say it back?" Chloe asks and tilts her head. "What's the fun in that?" You smirk and look back up at her. "Hey! Tell me you love me." Chloe says and smirks down to you. "What you gonna do if I don't?" You ask. "Hm.. I don't know. Not share a tent with you later?" Chloe asks and looks at you.

"Good you snore." You try to walk off and laugh. "Heyyy!" You say as Chloe drags you back and kisses you. "Fine I love you too." You smile and kiss her back. "I knew it." Chloe laughs and let's you go. "See you later." Chloe says then walks off to the drama department where she can find Rachel as you head off to the dorms.

~at the dorms~

"Gingrich!" You shout cupping your hands over your mouth so it echoes. "Yo?" Steph says and lowers her headphones. "What you working on?" You ask and sit on the bench beside her looking over onto her laptop. "Some music playlists I'm making. Me and Mikey get bored of having to make the sound effects with our mouths and voices when we play D&D so I thought why not make them into a playlist and instead of me writing all the charts down on paper why not file them on this." Steph explains.

"Wow you really are a nerd." You laugh at her. "Nerds are the new cool kids excuse me." Steph laughs and adds some troll footsteps to the list. "Well Chloe has made an invent of all our friends to hangout in the junkyard for a camp night. We're thinking tents and sleeping beds maybe a fire. You could bring your need gear and we could try and play together." You say trying to invest steph into it.

"That doesn't sound so bad. I might take you upon that." Steph smiles and closes her laptop down. "Great. I was thinking Drew tags along so you don't have to share a tent with Mikey and you and Rachel could have your own each or share. Might make you guys more close." You say and nudge Steph while raising an eyebrow.

"I mean sure me and Rachel are both in the drama club so I guess we could talk about that." Steph nods. "Cool. There's one thing." You say and look at Steph. "What do I have to do?" She asks thinking it's like kill somebody. "Can you ask Drew and Mikey to help me and my mom with our new furniture? We need to assemble it and I've got my room and the living room furniture to do before I'm allowed out." You explain and beg steph to help.

"Fine yeah sure I'll go get the boys and meet you. Have you moved houses or something?" Steph asks you knowing about what's been happening. "Yeah my mom and I couldn't stand the house from all the memories and I think my mom needs a fresh start." You nod and look at Steph. "We're always here for you if you need us." Steph hugs you. "Who's us? Your the only one here." You Laugh and hug her back. "Right, yeah well I'm here for you and I'm sure Mikey and Drew are too. I'll go get them and we can walk to the new place is it far?" Steph asks.

"A few streets down not too far." You shrug. "Help me with my stuff and we'll go get Mikey to text Drew when we see him." Steph asks and grabs her laptop, you grab her bag and books and follow her to her dorm to put away her things. Steph storms into the boys dorm quickly then knocks on Drews door to get Mikey and to get him to text his brother where they'll be.

"Alright we're ready. Too the new crib we go!" Mikey shouts and comes along with you. "Mikey stop trying to be cool it doesn't look good on you." You laugh and roll your eyes at him.

"You got sleeping bags and tents?" You ask Mikey. "I got a flashlight and sleeping bag. Drew's gonna ask our dad if we can buy a used tent at the store later." He explains as you walk. "Oh cool. Steph you've got a sleeping bag right?" You ask her looking at her. "She wishes she won't need one so she can sleep with Rachel in hers." Mikey teases her. "Want me to break your other arm?" Steph threatens.

"Easy Gingrich he's only joking." You laugh finding them arguing hilarious. "Yes I've got a tent and sleeping bag I left it in the dorm so I'll pop around later to get it." Steph says and calms down. "Too the new place!" You shout and sprint off ahead of them like a little child.

~at your new place~

"Mom..? I brought friends there gonna help up build furniture is that okay..?" You ask opening the door slowly. "Yeah honey bring them in." Your mom say's putting down the coffee she had just made. "Wow mom you've done a lot this morning." You smile and see some tables have been assembled and the tv had been put up. "Yes David had offered to do the tv in the morning so he came over and.. Tada!" You mom laughs and turns on the tv.

"Cool." You nod. "We'll these are my best friends Mikey and Steph." You add and point to your friends. "Nice too finally meet you." Your mom shakes their hands. "Lovely to meet you. You don't mind us helping y/n in her room right?" Steph asks and smiles politely up to your mom.

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