Part Two: Lunch

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"But yeah me and Rachel barely know each other." Chloe say and looks at Steph.

"Good. Rachel might act all innocent and shit but she's probably just as bad as Victoria." You say slightly annoyed and doing your homework again. "She's the total opposite of Victoria, she's really kind and nice." Steph says and kinda daze's off. "Oh yeah Steph's got a crush on Rachel Amber." Mikey says and teases. "No I don't." Steph says clearly lying. "Right.. anyway I'm gonna go get into science now.. see you later, see y/n in science." Chloe says and wanders off.

"Wait when's science?" You ask confused of time. "You got like.. eight minutes." Steph says checking her watch. You quickly pack your back and steal Mikey's pencil while returning Steph's earphones. You put your bag on and run and knock back into Chloe.

"Jesus.. y/n! What is it and you bumping into me?" Chloe asks. "I'm sorry! Look I'm gonna be late!" You say trying to dart off but Chloe drags you back for a second. "Yes?" You say confused why she dragged you back. "Your not gonna be late, chill out." Chloe says calmly and let's go of you. You smile and slow down trusting her. You both start to head to the door when bitc- I mean Victoria calls you both to her.

"Well if it isn't Rachel Ambers new best friend Karrie Price." Victoria says in her snobby toned voice. "It's Chloe, you single brain celled barbie. What do you want?" Chloe says clearly annoyed. "We're all in science. Why don't you do me a favour and give me the answers?" Victoria says acting like you both her little trolls that too what their told. "Yeah sure here's" you were going to say but Chloe cut you off. "Right here's the answers are Fluorine, Uranium, Carbon, Potassium and Uranium again." Chloe says and smiles innocently while you smirk knowing that's not the answer and that it spells fuck u. You try to hold your laugh and Chloe smirks and puts a finger to her lips to show you to be quite. You calm down and just grin. "Thank you Karrie, y/n. See you in science." Victoria says and walks off. "Fuck u? Seriously? How childish are you?" You ask Chloe breaking out in laughter. Chloe laughs along and you both start to head into the school but before you open the door Rachel Amber opens the door.

"Just the girl I was looking for. Come on!" Rachel says and drags Chloe along with her.
"Hey- oh! Okay bye y/n talk later!" Chloe's voice echos because she got further and further away. "Right.. bye." You says kinda feeling lonely. You ignore it and put your smile on. "Just do school, and go home and sleep." You repeat to yourself over and over and head to your science class.

(Time skip to after class)

As soon as, the bell rang everyone darted out the science class room, except you. You helped your teacher pack away the science books first then headed to your locker. As you opened the looker you feel two hands grab your shoulders. "BOO!" Steph yells down your left ear. "For fuck sake Steph!" You yell and hold your chest because you were actually scared. "Sorry." Steph says and laughs. "Your a idiot." You push her jokingly. "I know." Steph replies with a cheeky smirk. "Lunch?" You ask. "Off campus or canteen?" Steph asks back. "Off campus, you know canteen food is like cold and a rock." You say disgusted with the idea. "Lead the way." Steph says and holds her head up high. You laugh at her and walk out the doors.

~at the two whales~

After you and Steph got off the bus you entered the local diner, the two whales. You sat and the booth closest to the door and looked at the menu's. "Damn burgers, pancakes, MILKSHAKES!" You read out loud which makes Steph giggle. A blond haired waitress comes over to your booth to take your order.

"Hello, how can I help you today girls?" The waitress speaks. "Well Joyce" you say after reading her name tag. "Can I have a milkshake and pancakes please." You continued. "And you?" Joyce asks Steph writing down your order. "Umm.. Belgium waffle sounds good. And a chocolate milkshake please." Steph asks politely. "I've gotta say, you two seem awfully polite, unlike my daughter." Joyce says and laughs a bit.

"Who's your daughter may I ask?" You ask curious. "Chloe Price ring a bell to you two?" Joyce says and looks up at you both. "BARB?!" Steph yells as a joke. "Excuse me?" Joyce responds confused. "Oh she played a little dungeons and dragons with me and my friend and she called herself Barb." Steph explains and slightly giggles trying to explain.

"Right.. we'll I'll get you your food in a moment girls." Joyce says and goes back to the counter. "She's really Chloe's mom? I mean I see it now." You say and giggle slightly. "You mean Barb." Steph replies and laughs. "Yes Barb." You nod and giggle.

(Fifteen minutes later)

"Here girls, I'll get your bill after you've finished." Joyce's places your plates of food. You feel the heat of the plate. "Woah this is gonna be delicious!" You whisper. "I know!" Steph says and starts to cut off a bit of her waffle. You drink your milkshake and eat your pancakes. "I'm gonna marry this food." You say and smile. "Me too so two brides!" Steph says and you high five. As you finish your plates you stack them up to help Joyce and then ask for the bill. You split the bill and give Joyce a thirty percent tip. "Thank you girls, please come again." Joyce says over the counter waving as you leave. "We so will, thanks Joyce!" You and Steph shout and wave as you leave.

(After so many minutes being on a bus)

Your gonna be late for your English literature class if you and Steph run all the way to the class, you run past loads of pigeons, cause one of Justin's stoner bro's to fall off their skateboard and "accidentally" splash Victoria with the fountain water. "BITCH! YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" Victoria screams as the water drips from her black and while cardigan. You and Steph slightly giggle and run straight into the class.

You both sit at your desk and do the task the teacher put on the board. "This shit is boring." Steph whispers to you, the teacher hisses a shush. "I know. And be quite." You whisper quietly. "I was quite." Steph whispers again and the teacher hisses back another shush. Steph rolls her eyes. You slightly giggle and write on your paper the answer to the question. Steph ignores it and texts Chloe off of her phone. "Put your phone away." You whisper and the teacher hisses at you now.

"It's Chloe. Oh you want her number?" Steph says too loud the teacher actually gets annoyed. "Girls stop speaking! Another word and you'll go principal wells office!" She threats. "Yeah whatever." Steph whispers quietly this time. "Sure. Give me her number." You say and slide a piece of paper to Steph so she can write the number.

You take the number and grab your phone secretly out your bag and quickly add the number.

(You start texting chloe)

Chloe Price

Chloe:"hey who's this?"

"y/n from science, you weren't in science why'd you skip?" :You

Chloe:"oh hey! And yeah I skipped. I'll be fine don't worry. Talk later I got to find something. Do you know what will open a view finder?"

"get a big rock and smash it in, or just get something that is thin enough to get through the gap but big enough you can still hold it in there.":You

Chloe:"I got something! Thanks talk later."

"your welcome 😊":You

Chloe:"no emojis!"

(You put your phone away)

You slide your phone back into your pocket and grin. "Someone's happy." Steph teases. "Oh shut up!" You say and grin again.

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