Part Twenty: Telling

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"Helloooo?! I'm still here!" Rachel clears her throat and makes you both look at her.

"Right! Sorry. Umm.." Chloe stands straight and smiles at the ceiling. "So this is where we meet from now on?" Rachel asks. "Yeah do you like it?" You ask and go to sit on the bench you and Chloe made. "It's cool, obviously a safety hazard, but I think that's the fun of it." Rachel smiles and sits down next to you. "Yeah well that's the point." Chloe laughs and crosses her arms and you just stare at her hotness.

"Psst, y/n. Your drooling." Rachel whispers and smirks. "Oh god!" You cover your mouth and stop looking. "Right then, want me to drop you off at Blackwell then babe?" Chloe asks looking you up and down. "Yeah, I gotta grab something out of Mikey's room and I might tell Steph if you don't mind." You say and look up at chloe. "Of course I don't mind. I'm proud your mine no need to hide. What you need to get out of Mikey?" Chloe asks.

"Some comics, I read a few while he was in the hospital I'm just thinking he'll lend me a couple." You shrug and get up. "You wanna tag along Rachel? We got the space." chloe offers her taking your hand as you stand up. "I'm fine I might try and contribute to the making of the hideout. Like finding old rugs or something." Rachel nods and smiles.

"Alright, see then Rachel." Chloe says and smiles taking you out the hideout. "Bye Amber!" You wave. "Later y/l/n" Rachel giggles and lies down on the bench.

"Babe?" You ask and look at Chloe as you both walk up to her truck. "Yeah?" She turns back to face you. You press your lips against Chloe's and smirk. "Let's go." You hop into the passengers seat of the car leaving Chloe to smirk and roll her eyes at you. "You're an idiot." Chloe laughs and closes the door behind her as she gets in.

"Your idiot." You mumble and smile up slightly at her. "I'm not an idiot." Chloe says mishearing you. "I'm your idiot dummy!" You yell and laugh at the same time. Chloe laughs realising then starts the engine. "Let's go then shorty." Chloe smirks over at you before driving off.

~at blackwell~

"Okay baby?" Chloe asks and looks over at you. "Yeah, you sure your fine with me telling Steph?" You ask for reassurance. "Of course. I'm out the closet, please look at me I look like a lesbian I'm fine with people knowing. Are you?" Chloe asks you and raises an eyebrow. "Yeah I'm out, not to everyone but those who should know yeah.." you say and look down.

"So it's okay that Steph will know. If you don't wanna tell her I don't mind. I don't want step douche or my mom to know yet because they'll make a big deal of it and I don't want their questions." Chloe says and shrugs. "Chloe, I think David might know he did walk in on us. And I'm pretty sure they could have heard you call me girlfriend last night." You laugh and look Chloe in the eyes.

"Well we'll tell them properly one day and we'll know if they knew all along or some shit." Chloe smiles. "Language." You mutter as a joke. "Pardon my French then." Chloe chuckles. "Okay I'll head off then. See you tonight?" You ask and hop out the cat. "Yeah but real quick-" Chloe leans in and your lips connect feeling a smirk grow onto Chloe's face. "Okay bye then." You smile. "Bye." She smiles back.

You close the door and start to walk off knowing Chloe's stayed back to watch your ass as you walk off you flip her off so she honks her horn then drives off.

You go to the centre and try your hardest to not get noticed by the plastics aka Victoria Chase and her little disciples. You make your way to the place Steph goes to get extra credit done. "Steph?" You whisper peeking your head behind the tall dark wood bookcase in the back of the library.

"Y/n? Hey." Steph recognises your voice and closes her book. "Hey I was hoping we could talk." You sit down opposite her and look her in the eyes. "What's up?" Steph asks notices your shoulders look tense. "I just wanted to share some news with you and it's good news so I was hoping me and you could go celebrate by going out to eat or something." You say explain why your gonna tell her before you tell her.

"Are you pregnant or something? Do you need me to stand up and be the other mother?! I'll do it! I'll help you!" Steph jumps to conclusions. "Dude no, I'm gay I wouldn't be pregnant." You look at her so confused. "What is it then?" Steph fiddles with her pencil getting distracted.

"Me and Chloe are together." You say really quick. Steph drops her pencil and looks up at you. "For real?" Steph asks eyes widened. You nod and smile. "Oh my god! I'm so happy for you! You've had a crush on her for months now." Steph exaggerates. "No I haven't it's been a few days just feels so long." You laugh and hold your head.

"I'm happy for you. You guys done it yet?" Steph asks and smirks. "Dude no. Why you asking? That's weird." You hold your arms a little uncomfortable. "Who's waiting you or her?" Steph asks. "Neither." You mumble. "Y/n! Come on your last relationship ended cause you didn't know what you wanted. You've gotta figure out what you want." Steph says and looks at you.

"I want her to be my girlfriend which she is.. and I know she.. yeah.. she was getting frisky last night.. I mean I liked it but her parents we're there." You mutter and bury your head into your knees. "Come on, y/n you just need to tell her your not ready. Or explain that your scared too." Steph shrugs and comforts you.

"Do you think she'll mind?" You ask and lift your head slightly. "Of course she won't. She loves you right?" Steph asks. "We just got together I think it's a little early for love." You laugh slightly. "Ask her to take you on a date then maybe after if your feeling it?" Steph smirks. "Maybe." You smirk too.

"What you chicks talking about?" Mikey nods and scoots his way nexts to Steph. "Chloe and me are together." You smile and lift your head out of your knees properly. "Congratulations." Mikey laughs and smiles seeing you happy. "You've liked her for months now." Mikey chuckles. "No oh my lord it's only been like three, four days." You laugh and cover your head.

"How long you been together?" Steph asks. "Not even twenty-four hours. I wanted to tell the important people. I might tell my mom when I see her tonight." You smile at the thought of Chloe's awkward smile and wave at your mother as your mom jumps to give her a hug and looks like Chloe is gonna turn purple or break a rib.

"I'm so proud of you for finally finding who you are and being comfortable enough to get a proper relationship." Mikey nudges you slightly. "I'm happy. I'm gonna get her to pick me up in a little while. I was kind of thinking we could have like a small gathering or something. Just something fun all five of us could do." You smile at Steph.

"Me and Mikey were gonna start a new campaign with Drew some time in the next few months would you guys wanna join us? It would give you time to learn the basics and build your characters." Steph looks at Mikey then you.

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