Gap-Fill Story Three Part Two: Research

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"Yeah yeah. Franks let's go." You clap your hands at Chloe so she quickly gets in the car to head to the beach.

~at the beach/Franks truck~

"Babe chill okay we don't need to rush." Chloe says seeing you rush out the truck. You slam the door shut and keep speeding off to the truck. Chloe catches up with you and grabs your wrist and lifts it up so you turn around to face her. "What is the matter? Is this about your mom? Babe suck it up. Parents date. Look at my mom and David I hate his guts but I have to deal with his shit everyday of my damn life so my fucking mom can be happy. For fucks sake your mom deserves to be happy too you know?" Chloe shouts trying to get it through your head.

"I'm happy she's met someone. But I wish she could trust me to tell me." You shout back and look up at Chloe pissed. "What are you bitches shouting for this early in the morning?" Frank shouts at you two out his window.

"We need to know some shit about Sera. Anything else about our conversation isn't important to you." Chloe snaps at him as you give her a death glare ignoring Frank. "Stop looking at me like that." She snaps at you and looks you up and down. "Fuck this.." you mutter underneath your breath and walk off to the front of franks truck. Chloe follows you and looks at you with concern.

"Chloe. You know I don't share anything about my clients. So mind your own fucking business and leave me the fuck alone." Frank opens his door and leans on the side half sleepy, half still drunk from the night before. "You'll give us what we want Frank." You demand and look up at the slob figure infront of you. "Or what sweet cheeks? Your gonna call the police? Gonna get your little girlfriend to stab me? I saved you and her. I don't owe her or you anything." Frank states. "No we're asking for a favour, can you tell us if sera has had any contact with your within the past few months?" Chloe asks him trying to calm the situation more.

"I may have, what's the information worth to you?" Frank is trying to get something out of the information. "A hundred bucks." You state and keep eye contact with Frank. You show him the money in your hand and then slide it back in your pocket. "Where the hell did you get that?" Chloe asks and looks at you concerned.

"I worked a few jobs around my neighbourhood. Now can we know where sera is?" You demand and offer Frank the money. "She's been clean, she's going back to rehab in a few weeks. She was doing some side jobs getting my business down a few streets. She's quit and asked me to not keep touch. Here's her old number but it was a burner phone." He writes her old number on an old Chinese restaurant menu. "Thank you." You say snatching the number out of his hand. Chloe is confused and shocked with how you acted and that you've kept a secret from her.

"Can we talk?" Chloe pulls you by your arm concerned. "What about?" You snap back. "You've been overwhelmed and just not being yourself. Is it because your moms finally happy and finally has started to move on?" Chloe asks.

"It's non of your business." You roll your eyes. "I'm your girlfriend, I need to know." Chloe raises her voice worried. "I'm fine Chloe.." you mutter and get in her truck. "You're clearly not. If you don't want to tell me don't. But I'm gonna worry." Chloe gets in after you and starts up her truck.

You roll your eyes and ignore Chloe as she drives back to hers. The awkward silence makes you feel uncomfortable and even more irritated. Once you finally arrived at Chloe's you get out and ignore Joyce and storm in and up to Chloe's room to try and track sera's phone.

"Who crawled up her ass today?" Joyce asks Chloe as she comes in hanging her head low after you've stormed off. "She won't tell me." Chloe looks down feeling like it's something she's done and blames herself for not being able to help you. "Look her moms starting to date again. I'm sure you know. Apparently he comes to the diner?" Chloe adds finally looking up at her mom. "Ben? Yeah. She didn't seem upset when I told her, has it upset her that much?" Joyce asks feeling guilty and concerned

"I think she just feels a little.. untrusted? I'm just gonna be there for her. Is it okay if she stays a couple more nights? Just to you know.. get some space?" Chloe asks politely once which shocks Joyce. "Of course. We're getting pizza later. David's bringing it back from work in a couple hours. Come down and help later okay honey?" Joyce says and smiles softly at Chloe.

"Yeah see you later mom." Chloe nods and goes upstairs to check on you, who's sat trying to find where the burner phone was sold at.

"Hey babe." Chloe says and leans over your shoulder and kisses your neck softly to greet you. "Hi." You respond coldly as you continue to track the phone stores. "Ouch. Well.. what you found so far?" Chloe asks and looks at the computer. "Three stores. All sell burner phones. Let's hope it's one of them. And that she had gotten it from Arcadia bay." You say as you keep your eyes on the computer. "Baby.. have a break please?" Chloe asks worrying again.

"Why? We're so close. We could do this now. Why would I need a break?" You turn her chair and look at her. "You're not in a good mental state? I just wanna make sure you're safe. You can trust me you know? I love you. I don't think we should try and do all the searching in a day. You've got so close already and I'm so proud. But we have a week. Please. Have a break." Chloe looks into your eyes and tries to persuade you to have a break.

"Fine. Five minutes." You give in as you slowly drown into Chloe's piercing blue eyes. Chloe smiles and kisses your cheek. "You didn't say it back. You'd kill me if I did that." Chloe giggles playfully as she brings up you not saying 'I love you' back, you roll your eyes and kiss her gently on her lips. "Love you." You smile at her. "I? Missing something." Chloe snaps and tickles you.

"Heyyy! Stop!" You burst out laughing which makes Chloe smile. "Say it properly." Chloe demands as she continues to tickle you. "I love you!" You shout as you laugh more till Chloe stops. "Bitch." You mumble under your breath. "What was that?" Chloe tilts her head and gives you a stern look. "I love you." You say quietly hoping she won't say anything. "You better." Chloe lifts your chin and kisses you.

"I wanna work this for Rachel.." you say and swivel back to face the computer. "I know baby but you do have Your own shit at the moment." Chloe strokes your back and kisses your cheek gently. "Yeah but Rachel barely has anyone, her dads a dick, her "mom" is acting all like nothing happened. She wants to meet her mom? Let's get her there." You explain and locate the four shops where the burner phone could've been brought.

"Holy shit." Chloe mumbles and smiles seeing the shops. "Yeah. Well I'm doing this for Rachel." You say and write the coordinations on a notepad to stick to Chloe's forehead. "Watch it." Chloe threatens and takes the pad off.

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