Part Nine: Lies

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"That.. was your mother." James says and looks Rachel dead in the eyes.

A moment after that incident Mr Amber took Rachel to sit down on the sofa so he could explain that, that woman he was kissing is Sera. She was also that woman you saw behind that tree at the play. According to James she was troubled and shouldn't be apart of Rachel's life.

"Don't you think Rachel should be the one to decide what should be in her life or not?" You ask butting into the conversation. "Until now I actually thought you were mute. But no. I know Sera and she choose the life of mistake she had over her daughter." Mr Amber says giving you a look which angered Chloe even more. "I.. I think I need to lie down.." Rachel says with pain in her voice. She goes upstairs without a word, with everyone just watching her leave.

Chloe gives James the death stare as he approaches his leather chair. You look at Chloe and nod you head no so she stops and sighs. "Come on I think Rachel needs us right now." You whisper and tug on Chloe's arm to make her come with you. "Good idea.." Chloe says and stops looking at James. You hold onto Chloe as you both go upstairs to Rachel.

~Rachel's room~

You knock on the door but the door doesn't open so Chloe opens the door and enters. "Rachel..?" Chloe whispers poking her head through the door. Rachel just stares at her map on her bedroom wall. You slowly follow behind Chloe and look around at home cool Rachel's room is and you gather that her room is just a projection of her personality. In the corner of Rachel's room there's a box for the air mattress Rachel promised to let you use for the night, though that might not even happen. Chloe sits down on the bed beside Rachel trying to get her too speak but she doesn't even move. You go over to in-front of Rachel and sit down on the floor to look at the map too. Chloe goes over to it and writes a note about the world on it for her to read.

You look up at Chloe and smile so she smiles back. You admire the map with Rachel seeing all the places you could see one day with the others. Without you even realising Chloe had made a star projector and turned all the lights off to make it work.

You turn around to see her with a smirk on her face. Rachel slowly turned around to stare at the stares which gave you a lot of hope and made you smile more. "Its.. beautiful.." Rachel stuttered and stared in awe at her ceiling full of stars. "I knew you'd like it." Chloe says and gently rubbed Rachel's back to comfort her. "Stars are a reminder of how much beauty there is out there.." Rachel says and stares at them. "I see that." You whisper and look at them as Chloe smiles down at you.

"The stars we see.. they've been dead for millions of years.." Rachel says and looks numb again. "They're all... lies." She adds with more tears rolling down her face. "Still beautiful though. Right?" You ask and look up at rachel. "I don't know. If there not real, what's the point?" Rachel asks looking for a reason. "It's all lies.. everything. My whole life. My dad.. my mom.." Rachel says breaking back down in tears. The room falls into a silence so you and Chloe give Rachel a hug to comfort her.

"That other woman.. is my mom.." Rachel mutters under her breath trying to process everything. "I think you two are the only ones I can trust in this world.." Rachel says and leans on your shoulder slightly. "We're honoured." Chloe whispers and rubs Rachel's back to let her know your not going anywhere. "I think I always know something.. my real mother wasn't the one who raised me.." Rachel says and sniffles back so you give her a tissue from off her nightstand.

"She's here now.. she came her for me.." Rachel says and looks up slightly moving off your shoulder. "I think I want to meet her.. is that crazy?" She asks looking at you both. "It's not crazy.. but it might be dangerous." You say and look at her. "She was hanging out with Frank.. she still could be using." Chloe adds. "I can't ask my dad he won't tell me shit." Rachel says and wipes her tears. "Maybe Chloe could get her number or something about her. Right?" You ask and look at Chloe. "I can try." Chloe says and smiles.

"Thank you guys.." Rachel says and slowly gets her smile back for a bit. "No problem." You smile and hug Rachel tight. "So are you guys able to stay here?" Rachel asks sniffing her nose. "Yeah if your offering." Chloe says and smiles. "Yeah. Do you two mind setting up the air mattress yourselves? I'm too tired." Rachel asks and lies back down. "Yeah we can don't worry you just rest." You say and get off the bed.

"We got to share a mattress?" Chloe whispers to you with a smirk. "Oh shut up." You whisper back. You and Chloe flatten out the mattress and Chloe uses the vacuum to get it blown up. You grab your blanket out of your bag and lay it out and put your pillow on the bed. "Looks cozy." Chloe says and smiles. "Good so you got the floor?" You ask with a cheeky grin. "I can't share the bed with you?" Chloe asks you and looks you in the eyes. "I don't know." You shrug and lie in bed.

You let Chloe share the bed and smile at her while she lays next to you. "Hey." You whisper. "Hey shorty." Chloe whispers smirking at you while she brushes the hair out your face. You blush slightly. "Umm so about earlier." You say and look at Chloe. "Yeah sorry it just felt right in the moment. It's cool if you don't like me or something." Chloe says and tries to play it cool. "I umm.. I do like you actually and I was really shocked and confused. Do you maybe like me?" You ask really nervous and sweating. "I mean yeah you funny to tease and it was quite obvious you liked me. I made you blush about the smallest of things." Chloe teases you. "Oh shut up." You say and roll your eyes. "Make me." Chloe says and smirks.

You lean in like your about to kiss but then- "you guys know I am still awake." Rachel says disturbed. "Sorry Rachel." You laugh and turn the other way so your not facing Chloe. Chloe pulls you by you waist closer so she can cuddle you. Your eyes widen not really expecting it but still letting it happen. Chloe pulls you close and wraps her arm around you too keep you in place. "You comfortable?" Chloe whispers checking. You nod aggressively because you were in full gay panic. "Goodnight." Chloe says and rests her head. "Good girl." She whispers to make you panic more.

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