Part Ten: Nightmares

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"Good girl." Chloe whispers to make you panic more.

You slowly drift off in Chloe's arms and feel like your in heaven. You see a weird wavy screen to a Bluey, grey sidewalk with rain pouring down. You feel like your walking along the pavement. Suddenly you feel a strong hand pull you back, you try to run and escape but every step you take it pulls you back further and harder. You try calling for help but there was nobody near. You start to cry but it doesn't matter. Nobody cares. The guy that grabbed you finally reveals himself and you recognise the face. It's your father. "Your such a disappointment. Running away? Do you really think you can escape me? I will find you. And you won't make it back to your little girlfriend. Frankly I don't think she even cares. Who would care about you?" He shouts and you see the evil in his eyes. You try to come out with a come back but when you try and speak all that comes out is your breaths. "I told you. To never speak back to me." Your father yells and kicks you down lower and lower.

You try to get up but all that happens is he beats you back down over, and over again. After what could only be like the hundredth time you feel like your falling down a ripple of thoughts of your mother begging you to not leave begging you to come back over and over. You crouch down and rest your head on your knees trying to realise it's all fake but it seems so real. You shake side to side and break down slowly until you feel like shattered glass. You hear a whip like sound that echos through your brain which wakes you up.

You wake up to Chloe trying to soothe you. "Y/n.. hey hey.. your okay. Your okay. Your safe. I got you." Chloe whispers and pulls you close. "T-that.. that was.. a.. dream?" You stutter all shaken up and feel yourself being unsteady. "Yeah.. a nightmare. You were moving around a lot and saying no I thought it was me until I noticed you were asleep." Chloe whispers and holds you closer. "I'm sorry.." you whisper and lean your head on Chloe's shoulder.

"Hey.. it's okay. What was your dream about?" Chloe asks and takes your hand gently. "Umm... my dad.. he.. umm.." you stutter not knowing what to say. "Chloe if I tell you this please don't over react okay?" You ask and look her in the eyes. "I can't promise anything." Chloe whispers and rubs your hand gently.

"My dad kinda hurts my mom and sometimes me. The worst he's done was grab me. My mom's always shaken in the mornings and always unsteady from the night before. Rachel said I needed to get out the house because he's getting aggressive and aggressive over and over again and it's getting worse. That's why I was gonna stay here tonight. My dream was him grabbing me and hurting me then my mom asking me to go home and I'm really scared Chloe.." you say really fast and scared trying to calm down but just getting more and more upset. "Hey hey hey. Everything's gonna be okay?" Chloe says holding your face trying to keep eye contact. "Your moms gonna be fine okay? Your out of danger. Your gonna need to tell someone y/n.." Chloe whispers and looks at you. "I know I know.. but what if he comes back to hurt us more?" You ask and look Chloe in the eyes. "I'll be there. And I'll protect you." Chloe says and rests her forehead against yours.

"Hey I know it might not be right, right now, but can I kiss you? It might calm me down." You ask and look Chloe in the eyes. Chloe chuckles a little and kisses you gently with a smirk. "Like that?" She asks pulling away from the kiss. "Yes. Thank you." You chuckle slightly and smile. "Your safe with me y/n." Chloe says and pulls you close to cuddle again. "Thank you Chloe." You whisper and feel her warm embrace in the cuddle. "No problem shorty." Chloe whispers back with a smirk on her face. As you both start to feel calm and comfortable again you both slowly start to drift off to sleep.

~the next morning~

When you wake up properly after a great rest with someone you know you can trust and who will protect you you can feel Chloe's arms around your waist with her head nuzzled into your pillow with a little drool going down her chin which you thought was a little gross but still cute. You don't really want to move because you don't want to wake the sleeping beauty beside you plus you really enjoy the cuddle but you had to get up so you gently tapped Chloe's arm.

"Psst.. Chloe.. wake up it's the morning.." you whisper and keep tapping Chloe. "Five more minutes.." Chloe groans and pulls you closer. "No. We gotta wake up come on you big softy." You giggle and get out of Chloe's arms. "Ugh your no fun." Chloe groans and cuddles your pillow. "I follow the rules. You know that." You laugh and go sit on Rachel's bed by Rachel. "Rach, come on we need to make plans for the day." You whisper and slightly rock her to wake her up. Rachel wakes up and sits up much faster then the gremlin who cuddled you last night. "I don't think Chloe's a morning person." Rachel says and looks and Chloe sort of star-fished on the air mattress.

"Umm so last night I had a nightmare about my dad.. and I kinda was soothed by the snore thing there. And she was really comforting." You says and point at Chloe. "Aww that's sweet. Are you okay though? How was your night?" Rachel asks thinking about that now. "I'm a little worried for my moms sake. But other than that I'm really okay. Surprisingly." You say and smile.

Chloe just snores and drools all over your pillow. "Do you mind?" You ask Rachel lifting her pillow. "What are you planning?" Rachel asks and squints her eyes. "Smack her awake with a pillow." You say and lift the pillow in the air. "Granted." Rachel laughs as you hit Chloe with the pillow to wake her up. "Heyyyy!" Chloe shouts waking up. "Good morning." You giggle and drop the pillow. Chloe grabs your legs to make you fall down on top of her. "hey careful!" You yell scared about the fall. "Never wake me up like that again got it?" Chloe says and pulls you closer.

"Hello I am here." Rachel says making sure it's nothing romantic or cutie coupley. Chloe throws Rachel's pillow back up at her and pulls you on her lap. "Okay so what's the plan for today?" Chloe asks keeping you on her. You smile feeling proud while Rachel rolls her eyes playfully as a joke. "Umm I'm thinking I might go check on Mikey at the hospital." You say and look at Rachel then Chloe. "I'm thinking I'm gonna message and tweet about the tempest and come up with an excuse for why I wasn't at the after party." Rachel says and pulls out her phone. "I might head home for a bit then go to the junkyard to fix up old anbonny." Chloe says and puts a hand on your waist to tease you.

"Do you mind me tagging along to see your mom?" You ask and look Chloe in the eyes while removing her hand from your waist. "I don't see why you can't come so sure." Chloe says and smirks. "Cool umm y/n. Are you staying here again tonight?" Rachel asks lifting her head from her phone. "Maybe I don't know.." you say and look down feeling like your using your friends. "Your always welcome to stay here." Rachel says and smiles at you. "Thanks. I really appreciate it." You say and smile back. "Okay so.. shall we start our days?" Chloe asks looking at you both. "Yeah let's go." You say and get up off of Chloe's lap. "Okay see you at noon." Chloe says and lies back down. "Get up doofus." You say and pull Chloe by her ankle.

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