Part Fifteen: The Mill

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"Yes babe." Chloe laughs and drives off.

Chloe pulls up on a road near the Mill and walks across the dirt path with you following. Chloe goes by you and holds your hand. "Please.. can you stay in the truck?" Chloe asks and looks you in the eyes. "No I'm not gonna stay in the truck. I'm not letting you go in alone." You say and keep the eye contact. "Fine but." Chloe says and quickly kisses you. "Good luck." Chloe smirks and looks back down at you. "Your an idiot." You laugh slightly and let go of her.

You both slowly move the rusted with ash barn door and slide through the poster covered hallway trying not to make much sound. Chloe finds a knife stuck in a support beam by what looks like a bar counter. Chloe yanks it out and puts it in her jacket just in case. You obviously don't support the idea but you know she won't listen in a place like this where a known dealer and criminal might be.

Chloe and you lean on the wall to listen listen in on what was being said. You hear a girl cry out. It's all mumbles to you while Chloe hears everything clearly. Chloe sees Damon torment Sera with a needle. She steps out. "I've got your money." Chloe says while Sera warns her. Damon slaps Chloe and she falls to the floor. "Chloe!" You shout and go down to help her but Damon sees you. "What the fuck! Another one? Why can't you bitches just get some sense!" Damon says and kicks you to the floor.

James phone falls out Chloe's pocket and Damon takes it. "You got me through the DA's phone?" He asks and looks at Chloe struggling to get up. "She was only trying to help!" You cry out but then Damon kicks you again. "Leave them alone!" Sera shouts so Damon slaps her. While Chloe and you are both struggling to get up Damon drugs Sera.

Frank sneaks in holding his arm to stop the bleeding you notice Chloe watching Frank. Damon kicks Chloe's head before going to tackle Frank. You watch them fight but they get closer and closer to you and Damon aims back at you and while franks on the floor he comes over to you and kicks and punches you till you start coughing up blood. Frank takes Damon by the neck trying to stop him but you black out before knowing what else happens.

(An hour later)

You wake up with Chloe watching over you and taping your face in tears. "I'm sorry I'm so sorry." Chloe is crying so much it could have filled a swimming pool. "Chloe?" You ask weak. "Oh my god. Thank god." Chloe shouts and pulls you close. "I'm sorry I'm sorry." She repeats over and over again. "Chloe I'm okay.. just tired.." you say slowly closing your eyes again. "Hey hey! No no. Don't close your eyes. Keep your eyes open. Please y/n." Chloe says and taps you trying to keep you up. You fall back asleep uncontrollably. Chloe tries not to panic and holds you and just waits trying to wake you back up. "Please y/n.." she whispers and rocks you.

The next time you actually wake up properly you see a blur having a guess you would say it's Chloe and Sera. "I think your friends awake." Sera says and points at you. Chloe runs up to you and holds you close. "Hey." You whisper and keep your eyes closed. "Hey there." Chloe whispers back and strokes your forehead. "Maybe I should get going.." Sera says and puts out her cigarette before trying to leave.

"Sera. Please see Rachel. It would mean the world too her, for her too know the truth. Everything." Chloe says and looks at her. "Goodbye Chloe and y/n." Sera says facing the other way and walking away. Chloe watches her walk away and feels bad that she didn't do enough.

"Chloe?" You whisper trying to sit up so Chloe helps you. "Come on, let's get out of here." Chloe says and helps you up. You spit out a bit of blood so Chloe holds you. "Hey hey, your okay. I'm here." Chloe says holding you tighter. "I'm sorry.." you mumble. "It's okay. Let's get out of here incase Damon comes back." Chloe says and wraps your arm around her neck so she can support you better.

Chloe basically carries you out the mill and to her truck, she opens the door and makes sure your in there safely. "You okay?" She asks before closing the door. You nod and close your eyes. "Hey, don't sleep, we're going back to the hospital I'll get them to check up on you." Chloe says and looks at you feeling guilty. "Chloe I'm fine.. can we go check on Rachel please?" You ask and hold your stomach. Chloe nods and gets in the truck.

She drives right back to the hospital and helps you out even though you refused it at the start. Chloe helps you walk into the hospital and asks the nurse at the desk you check on you while Chloe runs to Rachel's room to check on her. The nurse clears you and you walk straight to Rachel's room and see James being glared at by Rachel. "What happened?" You ask looking around the room. James looks down in guilt before leaving with Rose following.

The room goes silent and Rachel's pale face shows no other emotion then anger. "Chloe.. what happened?" You whisper and look at Chloe who's beside you. "James hired Damon to get rid of Sera.. I had to tell Rachel the truth.." Chloe whispers back at you and looks down in guilt. You stand up and hug Chloe. "It's not your fault." You whisper and gently kiss Chloe's head.

"Can you two leave? I want some time to myself right now.." Rachel says and looks really annoyed. "Of course Rach, we can talk later.." Chloe says and goes to comfort her but Rachel nods no. You take Chloe out the room and hug her around her waist. "Hey you didn't do anything wrong.." you say still hugging Chloe. "Doesn't feel like it.." Chloe mumbles. James gives Chloe a death glare. "Don't mess with my family Price. Just because your fathers dead doesn't mean you can go mess around with Rachel's." James shouts at her. Before Chloe could say anything back Rose pulled James away and took him outside.

"That man's messed the fuck up. Don't listen okay? Chloe." You make her look at you because you know it could make her upset. "I'm fine.." Chloe says and pushes you out the hug. Chloe just goes back into Rachel and leaves you in the hallway. You go and check on Mikey's room.

"Hey guys.." you say and smile at them. "Jesus Christ y/n." Steph says jumping from her chair to come check up on you. "Woah. Steph I'm fine. Don't worry." You say and pull Steph off your face when she's trying to check the cuts and everything over it. "You took a beating?" Drew asks and looks at you a little worried. "Yeah. Im fine now I can walk and breathe. That's all I need to be able to do." You say and move Steph's hand's because she was trying to touch your eyebrow which was red from being punched. "Sup Mikey." You say and sit down on a chair beside him. "Who did that too you? We can't ignore the fact your hurt." Mikey asks and looks at you. "Same guy who did that to your arm. I'm fine though and he's been sorted out." You say and have no expression.

"No look let's play a quite game while I sit here and read one of your nerd comics." You say and pick up the first comic you see to read. Everyone looks at you with sympathy in their eyes you can't tolerate it so you get up and storm out Mikey's room.

"For fucks sake I'm fine can't everyone just let that be?" You mutter under your voice and kick the vending machine.

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