24. Back To Barcelona

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One thing that Lily needed more than anything at that precise moment was to get shitfaced.  She wanted to drink so she could forget what an absolute fucking disaster that day had been. 

Firstly she'd had to contend with the sight of Sofia and Seb strolling into the paddock hand in hand, and secondly, there had been the race. 

It had started well, she'd moved up from P12 on the grid to be in seventh place when she'd come in for her pit stop, and that was where it had all gone wrong.  

Somehow her rear left wheel hadn't been secured properly, and as she'd exited the pitlane it had come off and her race had been over.

It was the first race she had failed to finish out of the five she had taken part in and she didn't like how it made her feel. 

She'd had three points finishes, including two P8s in Bahrain and in Baku, and a P12 in China.  A DNF just made her feel like her whole weekend had been wasted, especially when it had been because of a stupid mistake someone in the pit crew had made. 

She'd attended to her media duties, debriefed and then headed back to the hotel, where she'd laid on the bed  brooding until she'd had a text message from Daniel at about eight o'clock.

DR 🍯 🦡: tough luck today Lils. I had a shit one too. PU went on me six laps from the end.   

Lily: Hard luck

DR 🍯 🦡: there's a few of us going to Cielo en la Tierra tonight if you want to come?  Maybe a few drinks might cheer you up?

Lily didn't even have to think about it. Even though Cielo en la Tierra was where she had met Liam, she knew it wouldn't conjure up any fond memories.  Tonight it would just be a place where she could drink herself into oblivion.  

Lily:  Sure thing!  Sounds good.  What time?

DR 🍯 🦡:  9.30 in the lobby?  We can go together if you like?

Lily: 👍

She stood up and headed to the wardrobe.  She had brought just the outfit.  She pulled out the sexy little black number she'd been taking to each race in case she ended up going out. 

It was a short, tight, little black dress.  The front was rather conservative but the back was almost non existent, making it impossible for her to wear a bra, which was all good as the dress had one built into it.   It had long see through mesh sleeves and Lily knew she looked smoking hot in it.

She hung it up on the wardrobe door and stripped naked. She headed into the bathroom and took a shower and dried herself off, wrapping her hair in a towel.

She finished getting ready with five minutes to spare. She'd blow dried her hair, French braiding the top half of it and left the rest loose. She'd applied makeup and perfume, and decided to wear a killer pair of black stilettos.

Stuffing her key card, purse and phone into a black glittery clutch bag, she headed out to meet Daniel.

He was already waiting for her when she arrived in the lobby. Also with him was his trainer, Michael Italiano, and Red Bull driver, Max Verstappen.

"Lily, hey. Wow, you look amazing!" he exclaimed.   Lily smiled and thanked him.  He looked rather good himself, she thought, taking in his ripped black jeans and loud, Hawaiian shirt.  The four of them headed outside and Daniel hailed a taxi.  The nightclub wasn't far at all but Daniel said it was a good idea to get a taxi or they'd be besieged by fans wanting selfies and autographs. 

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