77. Queen of Monte Carlo

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"Good afternoon Lily," Seb said brightly as he took his seat next to her for the press conference. 

"Sebastian," she replied, trying to stop herself from smiling as she saw the twinkle in his eye.  She knew they had to act normal, but all she wanted to do was kiss him senseless.   It had been twenty four hours since they'd parted to make their drives to Monte Carlo and she was already getting withdrawal symptoms.  

"Lilyflower!" came the booming voice of Daniel Ricciardo.  He grinned at her and sat down on the chair next to her.  

"Afternoon Daniel," she said.   He grinned again, and Lily had the sneaking feeling that Seb had confided in him about their new relationship status.  

Esteban and Carlos took the remaining two seats.   A woman with short, spiky pink hair made her way along the line, helping each of them to put their microphones on.   

The host, Tom, started with Daniel, asking him if it was good to be waking up in his own bed that week. 

Lily snuck a sideways glance at Seb.   He looked sexy as hell.  How was this man her boyfriend?    His stubble was beginning to grow back now, a few more days and it could give her some serious thigh burn.   

"Lily? Hello?" 

"Yes?" she asked, turning her head to face the host. 

"What planet are you on?" he asked, making everyone laugh.   Realising she'd been caught looking at Seb, she said the first thing that came into her head.

"I was just wondering what hair products Seb uses.  At this rate I soon won't be the driver with the longest hair."   Everyone laughed again.  "Sorry Tom.  You have my attention now."

"Lily, sat on each side of you here you have a driver that has won the Monaco Grand Prix.  You've always gone well around here. You started on pole last year. Do you think you can win this weekend? Can you be the Queen of Monte Carlo?"

Lily gave a small laugh.  "Of course I think I can win.   What's the point of racing if I don't?   As for being the Queen of Monte Carlo...Monte Carlo already has a Prince and Princess, I don't think they need a Queen."

"You're twenty one points behind your teammate.  How valuable would a win be this weekend?"

Where do they get these stupid questions from? Lily thought to herself. 

"A win is always valuable.   Every point counts," she replied. 

Tom moved on to Seb.

The rest of the press conference passed in a blur.  No one really seemed to want to ask Lily anything, for which she was glad.   

After it had finished she removed her microphone, handed it back to the woman with pink hair and made for the exit.   Seb and Daniel quickly fell into step beside her. 

"You got caught checking me out," Seb whispered.  "Nice save."

"Seb told me your news Lilyflower.  I'm happy for the pair of you.   Any help you need, you only have to ask."

"Thanks Daniel."   The Australian said goodbye and began jogging back to Red Bull hospitality, leaving Seb and Lily alone. 

"I missed you last night," Lily murmured quietly. 

"I missed you too."

"Any chance you can sneak to my room tonight?  Or that I can sneak to yours?"

"I'm out to dinner with Lawrence," Seb replied with a grumpy look on his face. 

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