93. Loose Ends

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"I wish you were coming with me," Seb complained almost two weeks later as he tossed a pair of dress shoes into his suitcase.  

"I wish I could too," Lily replied. "I'm going to miss you so much!" Seb was flying to London to attend the annual Autosport awards, where he was going to be presented with a lifetime achievement award.  She'd originally been going with him but she'd been summoned to Maranello, and as she was still under contract to Ferrari until the end of the year she didn't really have much of a choice. She knew Binotto would have no hesitation in suing her for breach of contract. In fact, she wouldn't have put it past the snivelling little toad to have deliberately chosen a date that he knew she'd have plans on.

"I'll be back on Monday afternoon. It's only two nights," he told her, sounding unbothered, but inside he knew he was going to miss her desperately.

Lily pouted. It would feel strange being without him for two nights. They'd not spent a night apart since he'd moved in with her. "You'll be perfectly alright," he told her. "Luca is only down the road. You have Joel, and Poppy is coming over for a girls night, isn't she?"

Lily nodded. She got up off of the bed and wrapped her arms around his waist. "But they're not you."

Their lips met. Seb instantly deepened the kiss, nipping her bottom lip.

"Mmm," Lily moaned a few minutes later after Seb had pulled away. "You tease! You'd better make it up to me when you get back."

"You know I will Schatz." He zipped his case up. "I'm going to have to go now. Britta will be waiting for me."

"You're so lucky to have Britta."

"For now, she's going to be yours soon."

"After putting up with you for so long she'll find me easy work."


He pulled his winter coat on and then tugged his suitcase towards the bedroom door.

Lily followed him as he bumped it down the stairs. They stopped by the front door and turned to face each other.

"Any problems from you know who, call me instantly. If I'm on stage Britta will have my phone."

"I'll be fine. Don't worry. I'll just miss you that's all."

Seb lowered his head and kissed her softly. "I love you."

Lily ran her fingers through his soft curls. "Have a safe journey Sunshine."

Seb yanked the front door open and stepped outside. As he opened the boot of his car and lifted his case in he felt a pang of sadness. Lily still hadn't told him she loved him. Now he knew how Sofia had felt all those times she'd declared her love to him and received nothing back. He knew Lily loved him though! She'd nodded when he'd asked her, she showed him every day in everything she did, but it would still be nice to hear it.

He got into the car and put his seatbelt on. He glanced over at Lily, who was stood on the doorstep, her arms wrapped around herself to try and keep warm. He lifted his hand and waved to her, before pulling off down the drive. It's just two days, he told himself. So why was it so hard to leave?

The Limit (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now