35. Finding A Way Forward

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"What do you mean there's nothing they can do? Nigel, he's not meant to contact me in any way! You told me he'd be straight back inside if he did!"

"There's no proof that he was the one that actually sent you the text Lily.  The police searched his house, his car, even his shed.  They found no trace of any SIM card or phone other than the one they have on file."

"Who else would it be? So he's just allowed to carry on messaging me? It's a fucking joke Nigel!"  

She disconnected the call and tossed her phone onto the sofa, growling with frustration.  

She'd received another message that morning, from yet another number.  That made three now, the one in Spa, one Tuesday evening just after she'd finished her sun session, and now one here in Monza. 

She'd blocked the sender after every message, but they kept on coming.  How had he even got her new number? They had a few mutual friends, but she'd thought she could trust them.  Obviously not. 

She decided that once she was back in the U.K. Monday she'd call her phone company and get it changed yet again, and this time she'd be very selective over who got her number. 

There was a knock on the door.

"Yes?" The door opened and Luca's head appeared around it.

"They want you in the garage," he told her. She looked at the clock on the wall. It was nearly time for FP1 to start, and for the first time since she'd started racing, she didn't want to set foot in the car.

She slipped her arms into her racesuit and zipped it up. Following Luca out of her room and through hospitality, she kept her head down. She didn't want to speak to anyone.

Since arriving in Italy on Wednesday evening she'd kept herself to herself, only speaking to those she had to speak to.

Anthoine's death was weighing heavily on her mind, as were her memories of her dad, and the texts from Liam. She just couldn't cope with anything else.

As she neared the Haas garage, she heard her name being called. She knew the voice, of course she did, but she tried to ignore it.

Seb dashed across the paddock, eager to catch Lily before she could disappear inside her garage. He'd been texting her daily since Spa, and although she'd replied, she'd seemed distant and impersonal. His worries had increased after he'd chatted with Poppy the day before. The younger Scott sister had told him that the events from Spa had stirred up some old, painful memories for Lily.

He reached out and grabbed Lily's hand, stopping her from escaping inside.

"Lily, look at me," he said softly. She shook her head. He put his free hand under her chin and nudged her head upwards. She looked pale, and she looked exhausted, as if she hadn't slept for days. "Lily, talk to me."

"I can't. I have to get ready for practice."

"Lily, you don't look well." She laughed.

"Gee thanks. You do wonders for a girl's ego."

"You look exhausted

"I'm fine." Seb thought she looked far from fine. Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot as if she'd been crying. He felt guilty that he'd not had time to seek her out and make sure she was ok, but he'd been so busy either the GPDA, and he'd had to fit a factory visit in to celebrate Charles' Spa win. It hadn't been celebrated at the track for obvious reasons.

"Seb, I really have to go," she said insistently. Reluctantly, he let got of her hand. She dashed off into the garage.

Seb sighed and headed for his own garage. He was worried about her. He just hoped she'd be ok.

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