27. Mixed Fortunes

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"Seb Vet!" Seb turned as he heard his name being called across the lobby of the hotel. The voice was instantly recognisable. He watched as Daniel made his way over to him. "Alright Seb?"

"Yeah, bit tired but nothing a good sleep won't rectify," Seb replied.

A bit tired was an understatement. Here in Montreal it might only be seven o'clock in the evening but he was still running on European time, so to him it was one in the morning.

"What floor you on?"

"Five," Seb replied. "

"Same as me! I was just heading up." Seb pulled his case over towards the elevator. Usually he loved catching up with Daniel, but he was worried that Daniel would bring up the subject of Lily.

"You were a bit quiet in Monaco," the Australian stated. Seb sighed.

"Yeah, I split up with Sofia." It would be best to let Daniel think that was the reason why he had been quiet, and not because he'd been avoiding him.

"Oh damn man, I'm sorry to hear that."

"Don't be. It was long overdue."

The elevator doors slid open and they both stepped inside. Daniel pressed the button for the fifth floor.

"Your decision? Hers? Mutual?"

"Mine, but I feel like a prick. She was really upset, but I wasn't feeling it any more. I hadn't been for a long while."

"So does this mean you're on the lookout for a new bed warmer? There's a few of us going out Sunday night if you fancy coming out. You might get lucky. I hope I will."

Seb felt a spark of hope inside him. It didn't sound like Daniel and Lily were a thing. He needed to know for sure though.

"Daniel, Barcelona, you and Lily?" Daniel laughed.

"Me and Lily? Nah. We kissed, nothing more."

"But she stayed in your room."

"Yeah, we just hung out. She fell asleep as she was shitfaced. I didn't wake her." Seb felt like an even bigger jerk. He hadn't let her explain and now she was ignoring him. "You fancy her, don't you?"

"Me fancy Lily? Well, she's a good looking woman." No one could deny that. Lily Scott was stunning.

"You do, don't you?" A big grin spread across Daniel's face. Seb felt his cheeks heating up. "Ah, look at those rosy cheeks. Sebby fancies Lily."

"It doesn't matter as she doesn't want me." Daniel frowned.

"You've asked her?"

"She won't speak to me. I've been a jerk."

"You are the ultimate smooth talker. I'm sure you can win her around." Seb wasn't so sure. The elevator doors slid open and they walked out.

"I just don't know how to go about it."

"It will be tough. I mean she's still not over her ex."


"Yeah, she was crying over him in Barcelona. She was really upset, said he'd chosen his other woman over her."

Seb's heart sank. She still wanted that bastard? He stopped outside his room.

"I'm sure with a little wooing the Vetmeister can win her over."

"Well, before anything I'm going to get some sleep. I'll see you around."

"Ok. Sleep well." Seb let himself into his room. He stripped off to his boxers and went into the bathroom for a quick wash and to brush his teeth. Then he climbed into bed.

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